
Well Known Member
My -8A N192NM - flew for the first time last Sunday. Therefore, it is now time to slowly progress from building issues to flight operations.

Not trying to start a debate akin to primer wars or taildragger/nosedragger discussions, but I am considering purchasing an Ipad II to use for aviation applications - but am frankly confused and somewhat overwhelmed by the vast amount of info - and opinions - out there.

For those of you using either Ipad version in your RV, request the latest opinions (facts?) regarding:
1. Memory requirements
2. Flight Planning apps
3. VFR/IFR flight apps
4. Vis issues
5. RV-8A operation by a left handed pilot
6. Value of Sporty's kneboard and anti-glare cover

I know - answers have been posted previously, but I'm looking for the latest gouge.
I have been using the original version of IPAD 3GS with ForeFlight app for some time now and here is my take and experience with it.
Overall experience is great and very happy. My main reason for getting the 3GS was the ability to use its GPS but now with the availability of external GPS, I don't think it is needed any more. I don't subscribe to AT&T data services either as I use MYWI application on my IPHONE when ever I am not home to use the WIFI.
There are certainly some glare issues but still readable, specially if it is not mounted in a fix position. The other major issue is over heating if left in the sun or really warm area and it will shut down. Other then that, I have not had any issues. For IFR, it has been great as I has every thing you need. I just carry some old maps and print just my destination airport approach plate with me as the back up.

If any thing happens to my IPAD, I would certainly buy one again.
About time you told the group of your first flight (and second). Where are the pictures?????

In regards to the IPAD, I can help you with that. I have been doing flight test at work for different types of aircraft. Pointy nose and helos. I have also used it extensively in my RV. Can give you the goods and bads, which App works well, etc. You can also barrow the IPAD once you get familiar with you new bird.

Let me know the next time you go out to the hangar and I will bring it with me. Congrats once again on your first flight. It was an honor to be a part of it.
I have been using the original version of IPAD 3GS with ForeFlight app for some time now and here is my take and experience with it.
Overall experience is great and very happy. My main reason for getting the 3GS was the ability to use its GPS but now with the availability of external GPS, I don't think it is needed any more. I don't subscribe to AT&T data services either as I use MYWI application on my IPHONE when ever I am not home to use the WIFI.
There are certainly some glare issues but still readable, specially if it is not mounted in a fix position. The other major issue is over heating if left in the sun or really warm area and it will shut down. Other then that, I have not had any issues. For IFR, it has been great as I has every thing you need. I just carry some old maps and print just my destination airport approach plate with me as the back up.

If any thing happens to my IPAD, I would certainly buy one again.

This has been my exact experience as well with my iPad. Dittos, completely; however, I would add that the overheating issue has become predictable and manageable in almost all cases, once I gained some experience with it.
iPhone wifi for ipad?

Can you explain how to get wifi on your ipad using
the iPhone? Do you need to install an app.?
Thanks. Al
disappoiinted with IPad

On the strength of suggestions in previous threads that the anti-glare screen protectors helped with readability in the bright sun, I tried one. The one I tried was ScreenGardz, or something like that.

Anyway, I'm very disappointed. The screen guard does help reduce the glare some, so that you can always tilt the iPad enough to get rid of it. But the screen is just not bright enough for full sunlight. It is dimly visible, and if you really look hard, you can read details off the chart, but it is just not bright enough to enable a quick look like you would a paper sectional.

Even if I position it so my shaddow is cast across it, it is still too dim to be very useful.
So I'm still looking for a versatile device for electronic charts.
Can you explain how to get wifi on your ipad using
the iPhone? Do you need to install an app.?
Thanks. Al

Yes, there is an app called MyWI tethering that you need to purchase (rather inexpensive). This requires to jailbreak your Iphone but it is of no consequence nor illigale.

MYWI will turn your Iphone into a WiIFi device and you can connect to it much like any other wireless WiFi device and as long as your Iphone has access to internet, then your Ipad or any other wireless device like a laptop can have access.
Even if I position it so my shaddow is cast across it, it is still too dim to be very useful.

Just out of curiosity is that even with the Brightness adjusted in the Settings.app >> Brightness ?

The default setting is about half of the total brightness the screen can actually do.
screen brightness

Just out of curiosity is that even with the Brightness adjusted in the Settings.app >> Brightness ?

The default setting is about half of the total brightness the screen can actually do.

Yes, we had the screen brightness turned all the way up.
Wifi app.

Hi Bavfa. I looked for the app. "mywi"
it did not come up. Do you have the app. Developer
company name? Thanks. Al

MyWi and all of the others require that you "jailbreak" your Iphone to make it a hotspot. Personally, I have no desire to do this. It violates my agreement with Apple. Lots of people obviously think otherwise.
Yes, there is an app called MyWI tethering that you need to purchase (rather inexpensive). This requires to jailbreak your Iphone but it is of no consequence nor illigale.

I plan on jailbreaking my iPhone 4 in a couple of months when it's out of warranty. Which jailbreak did you use? Seems there are 3 or 4 working ones.
When it comes to JB, the best software changes with each release of iOS and the subsequent JB releases. Just watch for what options are announced for the version of iOS you have when the times comes.
I plan on jailbreaking my iPhone 4 in a couple of months when it's out of warranty. Which jailbreak did you use? Seems there are 3 or 4 working ones.

I used green poison to jailbreak my iphone (3GS running version 4) and has been jailbroken for almost a year with no issues at all. I have also jailbroken my IPAD and run an application BTSTAK ($5) to connect to any Bluetooth GPS. I am using my HOLUX GPS with my IPAD with no issues.

Regarding jailbreaking, there has been much discussion about that and I encourage you to read about them. I don't believe really there is any issue with warranty as I can always go back to my back up and restore to original version.

Please check your current version on that site to see if they support it.
Poison green

I used the poison green iPhone jailbreak software. It's been a month since I did it and the phone works great. The mywi software allows my iPhone to be a wifi hotspot for my iPad.
I plan on jailbreaking my iPhone 4 in a couple of months when it's out of warranty. Which jailbreak did you use? Seems there are 3 or 4 working ones.
I just this week jailbroke both my First-gen iPad and my iPhone4 using redsn0w. The only issue was ensuring that the app ran as an administrator (right click on the executable and select "run as adminsitrator") and that it was locked to running on a single processor (most modern PC's have more than one CPU Core... Open Task Manager, right click on the redsn0w application once it's running, and select "Affinity". Then select CPU 1 only, and close the window). Once I did those two things, the jailbreak worked perfectly on both devices. Now running the latest 4.3.1 OS, with MyWi on the iPhone4.

FWIW, when you connect the iPad to the iPhone4 using MyWi, the iPad gets location data from the iPhone's GPS via WiFi. I didn't expect that, but it works.
It turns out the jailbreaking is easy enough and here's a couple of tips I found to cut through the potential confusion.

First, there are several different JB methods and patches. To know what is appropriate for your device, the easiest is just go to this website http://intelliborn.com/download.html, find your device and iOS you run on it, and click on the link for the appropriate download.

The only tricky thing I found is putting the iPhone into ?DFU? mode to install the Jailbreak. This video show the timing and sequence needed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bITIiGswjFI Watch it once or twice to know what to do, then use it for the timing of the two steps.

Once it?s Jailbroken, you will find the Cydia icon added, otherwise it appears normal. Click on the Cydia icon to purchase and install the JB apps like MyWi. It?s not as slick as the regular app store, and I appreciate more how much work Steve Jobs put into making the regular iPhone so easy to use.

On the other hand a bit of research and work, and $20 for MyWi, saves me hundreds every year on tethering or paying for additional data plan for an iPad 3G. Since I have the 2GB/$25/month plan, it was really galling to learn that if a bought an iPad 3G model, I'd have to buy another data plan to use the 3G! Every so often the little guy can win against the corporation.
Welcome to JB, a whole new world opens up.

I personally love apple product, but HATE how they want to nickel and dime you for the simplest thing. Next thing is to JB your IPAD and one app I recomment is BTSTAK.

Good luck
Help me understand JB

I have a 3G iphone and want to get an ipad for the airplane. If I JB the phone I can buy a 3G ipad to get gps but will not need to buy the 3G service again for the ipad, correct? I will be able to connect to the internet if needed through wifi to my phone... that would be a big saving!
Be Careful if you have an unlimited data plan

AT&T does not sell unlimited data plans anymore unless you are grandfathered in from an older plan. They have announced that if they catch you tethering to a computer by jailbreaking that they will automatically change you to a 4 GB plan and your unlimited plan is gone forever.

Even if you want to buy tethering AT&T only offers tethering on the pay-as-you go plans and if you switch then you lose your unlimited data plan forever.

You are correct.

With Verizon having entered the world of IPHONE, I wonder how much more AT&T can do to alienate their customers. I re-joined AT&T only because of their monopoly on Iphone, but that is not the case any more and I would gladly join another carrier if they want to monitor and police my usage on the service I am paying for.

With JB Iphone, I can join any other carrier such as T-Mobile which I had a very positive experience with and they provided unlimited data services.