
Well Known Member
As I am close to buy an iPad for use in my RV-12, I would like to know from current users what amount of memory is necessary just to run the standard aviation Apps.
I just went thru this last week. Most apps suggest 32gb, I decided on 64gb so I could have a good selection of in flight movies. The IPad has the gps chip co located with the 3g chip, so if you get a non 3g IPAD you need to buy a gps receiver, another hundred bucksl
IPAD 2 though much more expensive, offers nothing to improve what I needed. Of ForeFlight and WingX, I found WingX to be a more complete and sophisticated program. Love it! Very powerful!
For my purpose

The 32gig, 3G is perfect. I don't do music or videos so I didn't need the bigger RAM. I use Foreflight and stay east of the Mississippi usually so I download mostly Eastcoast charts and palates. I am only using about 11 gigs currently and have a slew of apps and photos on it.
16 will work fine if you don't need the whole country all the time.
With WingX you get the whole country at once. Easy to read too.
For the aviation stuff, the entire country will fit on the 16. I have 32 and have never come close to even using half of it. Now if you want a bunch of video or stuff on there, that may be a different story.

If I were thinking about buying right now, I would wait and see if the IPad 3 has a better sunlight readable screen!!!!!
An alternative opinion.....

Well, I agree with all the posts that say 32G is enough for Foreflight plus a bunch of other stuff. But, I bought the 64G model. Why? Because every computer I have ever purchased over the past 25 years has run out of memory and had to be upgraded at some point. The iPad, to my understanding, can't have memory added later. So, I bought a $100 worth of insurance. Quite possibly it will never be used, but I know the unit is big enough to put any memory-gobbling stuff I want on it and not have to be concerned. JMHO.
16 is plenty

As I am close to buy an iPad for use in my RV-12, I would like to know from current users what amount of memory is necessary just to run the standard aviation Apps.

I have 32G and with SkychartsPro and several other apps, including the daily newspaper, only use 5.5Gig. Don't know about Foreflight app.

32 or 64 GB is not really the issue with the Ipad. The big issue is how to actually see it in the cockpit. If the sun is bright you will not be able to see the display at all with Sunglasses on. You will have to tip them up or remove them each time you want to see the Ipad. With glasses off you now can marginally read the display. For that reason I have so far stuck to borrowing my wife's Ipad when going cross country. If the Ipad 3 has a sunlight readable display then I will be the first in line to purchase one.

I am hoping that with the Koger sunshade, and tinted rear window, and mounted on my leg, I will be able to see it. The Ercoupe with all its plastic bubble made a GPS almost worthless without a large shade on it.
32 or 64 GB is not really the issue with the Ipad. The big issue is how to actually see it in the cockpit. If the sun is bright you will not be able to see the display at all with Sunglasses on. You will have to tip them up or remove them each time you want to see the Ipad. With glasses off you now can marginally read the display. For that reason I have so far stuck to borrowing my wife's Ipad when going cross country. If the Ipad 3 has a sunlight readable display then I will be the first in line to purchase one.


I have no problem seeing it in direct sunlight. However, it has a polarized screen, so if have polarized sunglasses, you can't see the screen in portrait orientation. Turn it 90 degrees. Also a matte screen protector helps.
32 or 64 GB is not really the issue with the Ipad. The big issue is how to actually see it in the cockpit. If the sun is bright you will not be able to see the display at all with Sunglasses on. You will have to tip them up or remove them each time you want to see the Ipad. With glasses off you now can marginally read the display. For that reason I have so far stuck to borrowing my wife's Ipad when going cross country. If the Ipad 3 has a sunlight readable display then I will be the first in line to purchase one.


Good point, George, thanks. I researched further this display issue and found that there might indeed be hopes of an improvement with iPad3 here.
So far I was tempted to buy early to get familiar with the apps (I am a few months from flying) and now I may wait for the iPad3 as, according to the analyst, the production of iPad3 displays has started. Not being able to read easily the iPad screen is not only an inconvenience, it could turn into a safety issue when using iPad as a backup instrument. I also like the iPad3 display's IPS (in-plane switching ) technology, just for the sake of confusing the Geeks :D:D:D
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I don't like apples...

I use the Samsung 10.1 tablet with Aviloution... 16 GB plenty of room for several apps and 4.95 per mo for all updates, hi, lo, approach and much more. Great moving map display etc... Check it out...
I use the Samsung 10.1 tablet with Aviloution... 16 GB plenty of room for several apps and 4.95 per mo for all updates, hi, lo, approach and much more. Great moving map display etc... Check it out...

How well does the Samsung work in sunlight?
If all they do with the Ipad3 is increase the resolution and go with a IPS screen, don't expect better sunlight performance.

This did little to nothing for the IPhone 4.

Those that claim they can read and actually use the iPad in bright sun easily must be kidding themselves.




As I am close to buy an iPad for use in my RV-12, I would like to know from current users what amount of memory is necessary just to run the standard aviation Apps.

iPAD in the cockpit.....simply the greatest technological device for flying since the GPS.....just ask anybody who has one (but don't use polarized sunglasses, which most 'real' pilots don't anyway).....I prefer the WingX Pro app as I'm a CFII and a hard IFR driver, and it's simply the better app for me and what I do, but if you're a VFR or LSA guy, Foreflight is quite fantastic and a couple shekels cheaper....
IPAD locked up, ( how to fix)

I got the 32 gb, and it will be fine for what I use it for.

I've flown with it a couple of times, and I really like the WingX program. For me, using the IFR low charts with runway display extended (and all the airspace stuff) makes airspace nav and airport finding a snap.

One possible issue (and as a slight sidebar to the topic). I was just goofing around with the IPAD a couple of days ago (doing a crossword puzzle) and for no apparent reason, it just froze. Nothing, no combination of keys or buttons budged the display.

The way I unfroze the IPAD? I plugged in the charger. That solved it. So, the takeaway is that I'll fly with the charger adapter, even if the unit is fully charged and it's a short flight.

(Now, if I could just figure out the best place to put the danged thing when I fly a Piper Arrow.):rolleyes:

One possible issue (and as a slight sidebar to the topic). I was just goofing around with the IPAD a couple of days ago (doing a crossword puzzle) and for no apparent reason, it just froze. Nothing, no combination of keys or buttons budged the display.

Remember, with the Ipad when you close a program it is still running in the background. If you have enough programs open, you may run into some performance issues. The way you close the programs is to click the home button twice. This brings all the open programs up at the bottom of the screen with an "X" in the upper left hand corner of the icon. Click on the "X" and close the program. When you are done closing them all out, click the home button once and that brings you back to the main screen. I always close all the programs I am not using before I climb in to the plane.

If your Ipad locks up, try holding the off switch and the home button together until it brings up the shut down slide. Worth a try anyway...

Jon D.
Is that an IPAD 2 only function? When I double click the home button twice,it brings up ALL the icons across the bottom of the screen, no x on the running ones.
Remember, with the Ipad when you close a program it is still running in the background. If you have enough programs open, you may run into some performance issues. The way you close the programs is to click the home button twice. This brings all the open programs up at the bottom of the screen with an "X" in the upper left hand corner of the icon. Click on the "X" and close the program. When you are done closing them all out, click the home button once and that brings you back to the main screen. I always close all the programs I am not using before I climb in to the plane.

If your Ipad locks up, try holding the off switch and the home button together until it brings up the shut down slide. Worth a try anyway...

Jon D.
He skipped a step. Double click the home button, all the running apps pop up at the bottom, then touch one of them and hold it for more than a second or so and they all get a close symbol (although not an X, it's a "do not enter" symbol). Touch the close on each running app you want killed and then touch anywhere else (or the home button) and you get out of the app killing mode.
Additional hint

I fly VFR and IFR with my iPad 1 all the time (have also used a 2) and don't have any trouble seeing the screen, however, I do turn the brightness all the way up.

Do the same double-click on the home button that shows the running apps but then swipe the bottom dock of running apps to view to the left (move your finger to the right) and you will see some iPad controls. One of those is the brightness slider. I crank it all the way up. It burns the battery a little faster but a full charge works for me on a full day of flying. Just remember to dim it when you're done to save battery later.
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As I am close to buy an iPad for use in my RV-12, I would like to know from current users what amount of memory is necessary just to run the standard aviation Apps.

When I purchasd my 2, I went with 32g. Although I never had a home pc with enough memory, I went with 32 instead of 64. I'm running Wingx and a bunch of other apps and so far so good. The other reason I went with the 32g was it give me a little bit more of an excuse, err, incentive to upgrade to the Ipad3.

A matte screen protector helps readability a bunch. I am currently using a Splash - Masque protector. It is cheap and works very well. I have also used the Mediadevil with good success. A search of the archives will bring up more info.

As a side note, playing Angry Birds will eventually polish part of the matte screen - so I've been told :eek:

He skipped a step. Double click the home button, all the running apps pop up at the bottom, then touch one of them and hold it for more than a second or so and they all get a close symbol (although not an X, it's a "do not enter" symbol). Touch the close on each running app you want killed and then touch anywhere else (or the home button) and you get out of the app killing mode.

I was just going from memory....didn't have my Ipad with me at the time.

Jon D.
Jon D writes....

If your Ipad locks up, try holding the off switch and the home button together until it brings up the shut down slide. Worth a try anyway...

Jon D.

I appreciate the tip; and actually I did try that, and...nada. The tips on closing open aps by you and Chris F look especially valuable - - Thanks muchly!

Jon D writes....

I appreciate the tip; and actually I did try that, and...nada. The tips on closing open aps by you and Chris F look especially valuable - - Thanks muchly!


You have to hold both buttons past getting the power off slide, hold both until it actually shuts off, that also works. However, the shut off all running apps mentioned earlier solves the same problem and takes a lot less time.
If all they do with the Ipad3 is increase the resolution and go with a IPS screen, don't expect better sunlight performance.

This did little to nothing for the IPhone 4.

Those that claim they can read and actually use the iPad in bright sun easily must be kidding themselves.




I suggest a matte screen protector.

Here's my iPad2, left half in direct sun, right half in shade.

I have tried at lead six different matte all the way to expensive. They help and hurt. None of them are miracle workers.

Your pic is not an example of real life use and looks to be aligned to favor the perfect angle for this setup and lighting.

People need to stop kidding themselves. The IPAD screen stinks in the sun and there is nothing you can do to change that.

Is it usable in the typical RV cockpit? Marginally at best with all the tricks to make it readable. (hold it at the right angle, screen protector, Koger sunshade, etc.)

I was one that took the advice of some on this forum that said the IPAD was fine in the sun. Bought one and now I am really disappointed in how readable it is in the RV. I don't want others to be just as disappointed!

The IPAD is great in all other aspects though. I use it everyday. If it were not for the pitiful sunlight readability, I would say it is close to perfect.
I have tried at lead six different matte all the way to expensive. They help and hurt. None of them are miracle workers.

Your pic is not an example of real life use and looks to be aligned to favor the perfect angle for this setup and lighting.

People need to stop kidding themselves. The IPAD screen stinks in the sun and there is nothing you can do to change that.

Is it usable in the typical RV cockpit? Marginally at best with all the tricks to make it readable. (hold it at the right angle, screen protector, Koger sunshade, etc.)

I was one that took the advice of some on this forum that said the IPAD was fine in the sun. Bought one and now I am really disappointed in how readable it is in the RV. I don't want others to be just as disappointed!

The IPAD is great in all other aspects though. I use it everyday. If it were not for the pitiful sunlight readability, I would say it is close to perfect.

You are right, I took it outside, it's better in person than the photo here, and I tried to lighten it some so that it was closer to what I actually saw, but it's still definitely not that great. Screen needs cleaning!


In my truck or the Cardinal I fly sometimes though, it looks great in direct sun. From almost any angle, too.


I wonder if, in a full canopy type, it would help if you orient the screen such that it is reflecting back the interior of the plane instead of the open sky? Using a mount or something to hold it 90 degrees to the sky. My plane is not far enough along to try that yet, and you may have already tried that I realize. Perhaps a small enclosure around it would help as well in such a bright environment.

The only reason I bought it was so I can use it for charts, I don't like typing on touch screens so I prefer my laptop everwhere else. I will figure something out if it doesn't work in my plane! Of course by that time they may have better screens.:)

