Eric Minnis

Well Known Member
About to get a little addition to my panel and wanted some opinions. I currently have a 10" G3X Touch with a Garmin GTX335 Xpdr/ GTR 200B comm/ GDL 50R ADSB with bluetooth.

I am wanting to add a handheld device that I can use to make flight plans, check weather etc away from the airplane. I like foreflight, I also like the idea of just using the Aera 7" 760 and how the Garmin stuff interacts.

If you could just choose 1, which would it be? The Ipad with Foreflight or the Aera 760 running Garmin Pilot?

Thanks for the ideas!
If money was no object, I'd take the Aera.

I'm faced with more or less the same situation and will probably be going with the iPad I already own for now, but will probably upgrade to the Aera at some point.
If you decide you don't like the Garmin product and want to continue with Foreflight you have a lot invested and who knows what the resale value will be.
Aera 760 vs Ipad


Go with the Aera 760, I have an AFS EFIS which I love and an IPad MIni I use to display backup navigation, approach charts and listen to music. The IPad is basically worthless on a sunny day cause I can never get it bright enough in the bubble canopy of the RV-8. I have an Aera 660 mounted in the panel for backup navigation and to control the Garmin VIRB cameras. The 660 screen is plenty bright and not even a comparison to the IPad.

I know lots of guys use the IPad and like it but I am not a fan. Borrow someone’s IPad and try it on a flight and see for yourself. The Garmin Aera units are pretty full function devices and they’re easy to navigate between multiple useful menus.
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If your Burlington is Vermont, you may not have heat concerns but here in Houston it makes a difference. My iPad overheats easily and often but my panel mounted 796 never has and is readable in direct sun. I use the iPad for flight planning and carry it along but don't count on it in flight.
Thanks for all that commented...... I ordered the Aera 760. I plan to order that nifty panel dock as well.
