
Well Known Member
I don’t “need” an iPad in the 10, but there are a few times where its nice to have - especially when getting rerouted. Seems like its easier to do with Foreflight and then send it to my panel versus trying to reprogram my avionics.

Looking for mounting ideas for the RV-10, that does NOT include suction cup mounts. I’m thinking about upgrading my 4 year old iPad Pro to the new mini. Maybe there is a good option for mounting to the windscreen support bar?

Brownie points if you have a photo.

Back in the days with all the Navworks debacle, I used my mini for ADSb. I had a clamp mount to the cabin cover support bar. I could lower it, but then it covered the avionics in the center stack. Conversely, I could raise above the glare shield. Then it obstructed the view a bit and it was subject to getting heated by the sun. I had it thermal shutdown a couple times.

Personally, my iPad stays in the seat back pocket. I don’t find it useful other than giving it to back seat passengers to track the flight. I don’t have the necessary gear in the plane to upload to the 650.

I don’t “need” an iPad in the 10, but there are a few times where its nice to have - especially when getting rerouted. Seems like its easier to do with Foreflight and then send it to my panel versus trying to reprogram my avionics.

Looking for mounting ideas for the RV-10, that does NOT include suction cup mounts. I’m thinking about upgrading my 4 year old iPad Pro to the new mini. Maybe there is a good option for mounting to the windscreen support bar?

Brownie points if you have a photo.

A RAM ball bolted into a side panel or convenient location and the standard RAM mount. Works superbly on our 7 and can be 'snuggled down' into the corner once the canopy is down.

Super simple and cheap.
Here are some pics of my RAM mount in my -7A. Love the setup! First pic just shows where the ball is mounted. You can very easily take the mount on and off. The arm can also be purchased in different lengths.


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I had a ram ball with a ram x-grip mounted in a position similar to the one posted by @jcarne. It worked great for the pilot. It was easy to position to get the best viewing angle. But it stuck out from the panel way too much for my liking and it was difficult to remove the ipad in flight. (I like to have it close when reading a plate).

Subsequently I changed to a magnetic mount It has held my ipad without fail, and it is easy to remove the ipad in flight. However you can not change the view angle, basically making it impractical for the pilot to view while in flight. It does hold the ipad close to the panel making it look as if it was permanently installed, well almost.

Currently in flight my copilot wife uses it to play movies on long trips, and I use the Dynon HDX and Avidyne IFD for all the information I need. The only only thing I am missing is the ability to hold an approach plate close, so I use paper on a clipboard for planned approaches and the HDX for any other approach. I am considering adding an ipad mini, but it would be stored in a map pocket and only used to pull up a plate if I did not have a paper copy.
iPad Mount

I don’t “need” an iPad in the 10, but there are a few times where its nice to have - especially when getting rerouted. Seems like its easier to do with Foreflight and then send it to my panel versus trying to reprogram my avionics.

Looking for mounting ideas for the RV-10, that does NOT include suction cup mounts. I’m thinking about upgrading my 4 year old iPad Pro to the new mini. Maybe there is a good option for mounting to the windscreen support bar?

Brownie points if you have a photo.


I think I've posted on this before; don't recall if I included a pic. The cable is just a lightning plug (other end plugged into a USB outlet in the O/H console). Unless I'm on a long x-c, I don't normally bother to keep the iPad plugged in.

Basically, I prefer the iPad for my EFB, including ADSB-in. My PFD is an older 7" GRT Sport SX, and if I use split screen, things either get condensed or dropped. Additionally, having the traffic display near the windscreen keeps "eyes out" when scanning for the target.

The components are from RAM. The clamp is a motorcycle handlebar mount (ball). One extension (3-inch-ish) and a second ball mounted on the tablet holder. I think the latter is called an x-mount, but that may be the phone version. It's very secure, but releasable with just a squeeze of the tabs on the side. The balls/extension allow positioning to minimize covering up anything that's routinely scanned on the panel. From the left seat, I have to crane just a bit to see the right side of the audio panel and the upper right corner of the 430W--not a significant issue. If you prefer a landscape orientation for the iPad, "panel coverage" is even less.

I get ADSB-in and drive my EFB with a stratux box (~$200--cheap for what it provides), which includes a standalone AHRS. The stratux is powered by a battery pack placed between the front seats--easy to change out on the go if power gets low. If the GRT were to fail, or I'd need to completely shut down the electrical system in an emergency, one tap of the iPad gives me a fully independent "partial panel" split screen that has way more info than my "full panel" did back in round dial days (except of course that altitude is GPS-derived, airspeed is really groundspeed, and heading is really track). The stratux is secured to the bar just behind the rear seats. With the fiberglass top on the -10, reception is not an issue. I've added a "gyro reset" to my cruise checklist, just in case the stratux got jostled when loading bags. I've used this setup to fly simulated instrument approaches--PFD on top, geo-referenced approach plate on bottom of the iPad. Not quite as good as a full glass panel and definitely not "IFR legal", but in a pinch the odds of getting down safely would be markedly increased...


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Meanwhile in Australia.....

Australia does not have ADS-B IN!
So no weather updates......

The iPad is incredibly useful for situation awareness in Australia as long as you have a Cell equipped iPad.
3G and 4G coverage means that most populated areas on the East Coast of Australia will give you good coverage and weather updates.
Avplan EFB is amazing!

Can u live with out it? Yep, but it sure is nice.....


Ashley - what mount are you using?

Australia does not have ADS-B IN!
So no weather updates......

The iPad is incredibly useful for situation awareness in Australia as long as you have a Cell equipped iPad.
3G and 4G coverage means that most populated areas on the East Coast of Australia will give you good coverage and weather updates.
Avplan EFB is amazing!

Can u live with out it? Yep, but it sure is nice.....


Simple slide in mount

Hi Charlie.
My iPad Pro has the slimline keyboard/case. I made a simple hinged mount with tabs at the top and bottom. The iPad with the case folded back simple slides in from left to right.
The mount is also hinged so I can access my 2 x CPI's behind it.

As iPad models change, I simply make a new slide in mount, this is the first time I have used the 12.9" Pro and I like it a lot :)

I'll take some photos when I am back at the hangar.

Original 11" iPad in solid rain,

I mounted my iPad on a RAM mount fastened to a home grown center console/O2 holder. There’s some interference with the throttle when positioned for use but that is of little actual consequence. I now have a larger iPad Pro mounted and use it constantly.

It is ideal for writing and interacting with because of the horizontal orientation. It has also doubled as a meal tray on more than one occasion. Works for me.
