
Well Known Member
Wanted to pass along that I experienced a very concerning glitch with my ipad last week. It would not load any of the apps that I had purchased ? including foreflight. When I tried to select foreflight or any other purchased app, the screen would flash once and then return to ipad home screen. All of the factory provided apps (mail, contacts, etc.) still worked fine, however. I did some research on line and found a few other users that experienced this, and the only fix seemed to be reset the ipad to factory settings and then reload everything. I did not have to do that, because a few days later just as mysteriously as the problem arrived, it vanished, and everything works fine again. FYI I always keep my ipad up to date with latest and greatest software revision.

Definitely gives me pause for concern for using ipad as sole means of accessing approach plates, etc, when IFR.
Since a couple of days ago, there is a little icon that has appeared on the home page, to the right of "slide to unlock" that when tapped, it brings up an add for Yoga. I have no idea how this has appeared or installed but just as any other electronic device, specially one that runs on programs, is subject to its flaws and bugs. For that reason, I always carry an older map and definitely print the approach plates of my destination airport to carry with me.

Edit: that seems to be a picture faem icon but I still have not found ways to remove it. A quick search on the Web says, to go to Settings --> Passcode Lock --> picture frame OFF
But this has not made any difference on my IPAD yet.
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Easy fix

Just reboot the iPad. Hold the round "home" button down and hold the power button (top of ipad) down at the same time. Keep the both held down until the screen goes blank, and until the apple icon appears, then let go of both buttons.
That is a typical problem with the iPhone 3G. If I do not turn it off at least once a month, about every 3 months it will crash as you describe. Craig Vincent gave you the solution that works on my iPhone.
That is a typical problem with the iPhone 3G. If I do not turn it off at least once a month, about every 3 months it will crash as you describe. Craig Vincent gave you the solution that works on my iPhone.

A funny thing about the iPad - it comes with no instructions or manual. While perhaps a testament to its relative ease of use for many things, the casual first time user may not realize that the unit does not turn off all the way by a simple pushing of the power button; you have to hold it down for several seconds, and follow the on-screen direction to confirm the power down command. Booting up after a full power down is not instantaneous but still a lot faster than my desktop computer with the MS Vista OS.

iPad locked up on my VFR XC

I second some form of backup. My iPad froze up on my recent cross country flight. It wad fine for the first leg and for the first 30 minutes of the second leg. I was running ForeFlight. Then the screen just froze. The home button did nothing. The power button did nothing - even when held for 10+ seconds which should power it off. Fortunately, I had a smaller GPS already following my route plan. Eventually, the iPad rebooted on it's own after a few minutes. (I am confident it was nt an overheating problem.)

I have a few questions for ForeFlight and I'll be adding this to the list.

The iPad is great for situational awareness but it will never be my only option for information in the cockpit. With that said, "paper" will likely not be my "go-to" backup because it's too much workload on solo cross country flights without an autopilot.
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The iPad is great for situational awareness but it will never be my only option for information in the cockpit. With that said, "paper" will likely not be my "go-to" backup because it's too much workload on solo cross country flights without an autopilot.

You're really unable to pull a paper chart while flying VFR?
book of VFR charts

You're really unable to pull a paper chart while flying VFR?

I'd need the entire book of VFR charts - at least the half book. I passed through 6 different sectionals on that one flight. I could do paper but it would have added to the workload.

As a "newbee" Solo XC without an autopilot in an RV-8 (and I'm guessing it would be more so in an RV-4) does not enjoy as much paper shuffling. Separately, I also fly a Stearman and paper is really not fun in an open cockpit.
knee board?

I assume most of you guys are using your IPADS from a knee board. Whould it be helpful to have it mounted to a ram mount on the panel? passenger side?
I tried a panel mount but in an RV-8 it doesn't have enough usable space. Also, the kneeboard gave a better angle to avoid excess glare.
RAM mounts

I have the suction cup RAM mount for my Ipad in the RV. I found I like it stuck to the window just to the right of the panel; It stays put quite nicely there.
If I'm flying one of the work planes, I use the yoke mount.