
Forum Peruser
I notice some of you have indicated high temperatures can cause problems with iPads in the cockpit (and elsewhere). If your iPad experienced this problem was it a white one or a black one?

I notice they are available in black or white, and am wondering if the white one would be less susceptible to high temperature problems.

Any real world experience on this point? Opinions also would be respected.


Mine is White. Had same concern as you. No issues over the two week 30-hours I flew to, from, and around during my Oshkosh trip in July. No issues with heat flying or any time I needed the iPad.

On the ground, I ran a test by sitting the iPad2 in the sun with 104 F outside. Refilled the airplane and that was the only time that I have seen it get a heat error. it was working in the 104 F heat. Had to get it hot with direct sun heating to get the error. Cleared up after a few minutes cool down out of the sun.
I have the white iPad 2 and it "when dark" on my first cross country. The cockpit was cool (50 degrees) but the iPad was in mostly direct sunlight. I put it out of the way in the footwell of the RV-8 and 15 minutes later, I pulled it back and it was good for the rest of the flight.
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I think the white would show up as a reflection in your windscreen more so than black. Thoughts? I have a black one and it hasn't been a problem:)
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Ipad 2

I got the white Ipad 2 thinking it would be cooler as well. Ironically, I then put in in a black kneeboard. I don't think the 1" of white vs. black will have any effect on heat absorbtion.

I am in TX, and have about 30 hours flying in the heat this summer, mostly in sunny conditions, and have never had the ipad 2 overheat, even with 100 degree conditions inside the cockpit. One thing I will say is that I really needed a glare shield on the screen, but then my polarized glasses didn't work.
Good chances are that you will be using it either in a case due to slippery nature of the IPAD or in a RAM mount for ease of not having to hold it. eitherway, you will not see much for the B or W portion of the IPAD, so I would say make your decision based on other factors, other than for the use in an airplane.
Thanks, everyone. Good information from everyone. I'm getting my "list for Santa" ready. I hope I've been a good boy! ;)
I notice some of you have indicated high temperatures can cause problems with iPads in the cockpit (and elsewhere). If your iPad experienced this problem was it a white one or a black one?

I notice they are available in black or white, and am wondering if the white one would be less susceptible to high temperature problems.

Any real world experience on this point? Opinions also would be respected.


Don, do not buy a white iPad unless your doing it because looking AT THE SCREEN bothers you. By this I mean they make the border around TV's and computers and ANY OTHER screen black for a reason. It fades from your vision. The white draws your eyes to the frame/edge. I was buying my wife an iPad2. We were trying to make this decision. So i cut out white paper and taped it around the tv and her old iPad....

Wanted to off myself AND the TV in 5 minutes.:eek:
iPad 3

A little drift here. Unless it falls into the "gotta have it now," category, the iPad 3 is supposed to be out in the first quarter of 2012. Because Apple did not anticipate so much wide spread use in aviation, the iPad 3 will have an improved screen for better sunlight visibility and a few other nice features.

Google "iPad 3" and you can see some of the rumor sites. FWIW, several of these sites were right on regarding the 4S phone.

Since it is a toy for me, I'm waiting for the 3. What a great time to be flying!!
Actually, Darwin, I'm seriously thinking about waiting on the iPad 3 to come out so I can get the iPad 2 at a cheaper price. That's my "business model" at my house right now. :)
If the Ipad 3 does come out with a brighter screen I would spend the extra money and get it. I am using my wife's Ipad 2 in the aircraft now and its all but unreadable in bright sunlight under a bubble canopy. Your probably talking about only a 200 dollar difference between the 2 and 3 when they are both out in the spring based on Ipad 1 to 2 price differences. I was going to buy my own Ipad but once I saw the 2 in the air I decided to wait on a better option.

Good point...

If the Ipad 3 does come out with a brighter screen I would spend the extra money and get it. I am using my wife's Ipad 2 in the aircraft now and its all but unreadable in bright sunlight under a bubble canopy. Your probably talking about only a 200 dollar difference between the 2 and 3 when they are both out in the spring based on Ipad 1 to 2 price differences. I was going to buy my own Ipad but once I saw the 2 in the air I decided to wait on a better option.


Thanks, George...that's a good point...and more food for thought.

Thanks to everyone for posting.