Tom Martin

Well Known Member
As a tandem seat owner it would be amazing to be able to display my EFFIs information on an iPad for the guy in the back seat. This might make it possible for my to do my IFR check ride in my own aircraft.
Does anyone know if this transfer of information is possible?
It is possible...

It all depends on what EFIS you have installed. GRT and MGL can both do it, but those are the only two as far as I know.
I saw John Stahr's RV 8 at the homecoming, and he has an IPad setup for the back seat.

Sorry, but I did have my camera along.
I saw John Stahr's RV 8 at the homecoming, and he has an IPad setup for the back seat.

Sorry, but I did have my camera along.

John's mount is elegent, simple, and easy....I'll have to look for a picture. But I htink he is just using standard apps on the Ipad (foreflight or equivalent) - doesn't connect to the EFIS.
To connect an ipad to the EFIS would require an ap being written on the IPAD that would accept data from the EFIS and display it in the right format. The EFIS makers use some for sort of comm link (Ethernet or CAN bus) to connect two screens together and support all sorts of options as to how they are configured. To make the iPAD the second screen you would have to either take the raw data and have an app format, interpret, and display or have an app that would understand the commands used by the EFIS mfg. that are normally sent via whatever bus they use to connect and then display correctly on the ipad screen.

Unlikely you could develop such an app without support from EFIS mfg as the data formats are likely proprietary to them. What motivation they would have to work with a third party in such fashion is something that I find hard to discern.

If you want rear seater to see things like a map on the iPad you best buy standard app like Wx and a separate GPS puck to drive it via wifi or bluetooth.
GRT has written an app for android that will dispay the EFIS info on an Android and will let you control the flight planning funtions of the EFIS with the tablet. This is one of the reasons the GRT is at the top of my list for an EFIS for my someday panel makeover.

Here's a link to the app for GRT, I believe that MGL has something similar as well.
Dynon actually streams out all the data you would need over serial if you really wanted to write an app. It's all on RS-232 and the protocol is right in our manual. You could use an RS-232 to Bluetooth link and make something work.

This is not a "copy" of the SkyView screen though, it is the raw data. You'd need a whole app on your other device that knows how to draw things like attitude and synthetic vision.

I'll also throw in this picture of an iPad next to a SkyView screen taken on our way to Oshkosh just for fun ;) This was even in a high-wing with no direct sunlight!

MGL has a wifi node that will connect to the iEfis and be able to send and receive all data that is available on the iEfis (engine,AHRS,ARINC,etc..). Scheduled to be released in December.

There are a couple apps in the works for communicating with iefis for both the iPad/iphone and Android devices. And there is a SDK that will be available so anyone can easily write their own apps. (I know because I'm creating the SDK right now).


Ok, Ok. Showing pictures is cool. Here is a snap shot of the ipad sending a new route to the iefis. (The communications is 2 way). In this screen shot actually using the SkyCharts Ipad app to send the route.
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Not exactly what you're looking for, but this is our setup in the back seat of our RV-8A. The Nexus 7, running Garmin Pilot, gives you a very usable "Sacred Six" six-pack of instruments in the back hole.

Just get Xavion


I bought a new Mini Ipad to try Xavion thinking I would need a SAGE or LEVIL AHRS, however I was wrong.

The synthetic vision and stand alone GPS function is nothing less than amazing.
In a bubble top like an RV or Rocket the pitch, roll and flight data is smooth and fluid - better than some of the dedicated EFIS offerings. No external feeds required. The hits and waypoint insertion/deletion is quite useful.

In the back seat it would be just like having a HUD for your passenger in the place of the back of your head. It works best when mounted vertical and square right in front of the viewer.

Linking it to your AFS would be icing but your wife in the back seat could fly x-c and take you to short final with Xavion alone.
One more thought

For your check ride, if all you need is for the examiner to see the AFS Efis /NAV/COM equipment, an I pad mounted behind your head from the seat back frame might allow the camera lens of the I Pad to point clearly at the AFS screen (past the side of your head).

Good luck with the project as It would be welcome news for those of us desiring to do the same. I did my first ride in a C310 . The cost per minute was a world class distraction by itself. I really hope you can get approval to make this one happen.
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