
I'm going to Des Moines for a few days in mid-August for a wedding. Any recommended airports to park for a few days. Will need to pick up a rental car also. Any recommendations.
Ed OConnor/RV-8/Colorado:)
I'm not local to Des Moines, but have been in there a few times. Ankeny is pretty close. Of course, you can land at DSM and use the FBO there.

You can stop way up in Ames and get a rental car.
At Boone, there is an RV build center and I imagine you can get a rental car there.

If you get a chance and have the time, I strongly recommend stopping by Greenfield airport and checking out their excellent museum, but it's a ways to Des Moines.

If it was me, I'd go to Ankeny, but by all means see what others say and make your choice.

I fly to DM quite often to visit family. Ankeny has always been great for a day trip or overnight. We've never needed a car, but I'll bet they can arrange one.