Check with Jay Honeck - Alexis Park Inn

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Just found this on rec.aviation.piloting

You're invited to not one, but TWO Oshkosh parties!

That's right, TWO Oshkosh blow-outs, organized just for pilots and
their guests. Check 'em out:

1. ** 5th Annual Iowa City Fly-In Pool Party **
Each year, on the Saturday before OSH, we host a fly-in pool party at
our aviation theme-suite hotel, located next to Rwy 25 in Iowa City,

Located just 1:21 southwest of OSH, Iowa City is the perfect "staging
area" for your arrival into Oshkosh. You do NOT want to do the FISK
approach at the end of a long cross country, so spend the night with
us and arrive at the show fresh after a short, <90 minute flight.
Mary and I will serve up food (brats, burgers, hot dogs, chips,
potato salad, etc.), beverages (GOOD beer, wine, pop), music and fun -- all
at poolside, and all FREE.

We've done this every year since we opened as our way of saying
"Thanks!" to the pilot community for another great year! It's become
an annual tradition, and a guaranteed good time is had by all.

This year the Pre-OSH festivies will be held on Saturday, July 21st.
Whether you spend the night, or simply stop in for a bite to eat,
we'll be there for ya! See the official invitation here:

(We are sold out for the 21st, as I'm typing this. See
for up-to-the-minute availability. And BTW: If you want to pitch
your tent, no problem -- camp on our property, with our best wishes!)

Then, on Sunday morning (not *too* early), we'll all fly into the
"Big Show" together in a loose gaggle. Most years we have from three
to six aircraft in the group, and we usually manage to get parked
reasonably close together in the North 40 -- which makes the *next*
party all the more fun!

2. ** 5th Annual Rec.Aviation North 40 H.O.P.S. Party! **
For the fifth year in a row, we will be hosting the annual
rec.aviation H.O.P.S. (Homebuilt, Owning, Piloting, Student) party at
our campsite in the North 40 aircraft camping area at Oshkosh. As
in prior years, the party will be held on Wednesday (July 25th)
starting right after the airshow.

Admission is a 6-pack of GOOD beer. Points are awarded if you can't
see through it; extra points are added if it's a microbrew from your
home base!

Wine is acceptable, but only if you are willing to dance on Atlas'
wing... (As in this now-famous photo, from the 2003 rec.aviation
party: :)

This group's own Jim Burns, Montblack, and Jack Allison will be
coordinating food at the event, which was attended by over 40
newsgroup mavens last year. (See pix from the 2006 party here: )

Given the difficulty of obtaining beer on the AirVenture grounds, and
to help offset the cost of food this year, a PayPal account has been
set up for donations. To send money all you have to do is go to and click "Send Money". When it asks for the email
address to send the money to, enter [email protected] Any donation
is appreciated, and Jim or Montblack will make the beer runs for
you! (And I can vouch for their EXCELLENT taste in beers, BTW. :)

This event has grown each year, and 2007 ought to be another one for
the books! To find our campsite (and, thus, the party) all you need
to do is go to one of the EAA booths at the entrance to the camping
area, and give them our "N" number (N56993). They will vector you to
the party from there!

So there you have it, ladies and gents -- you're all invited to TWO
parties this OSH -- and we hope to see you there!
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Hi Ron,

There are 6 of us including your favorite RV chick from AZ that are stopping there for the party on Saturday on the way to Oshkosh. Sounds like a lot of fun.

Got the information. Thanks. Looks like we'll be stopping there as well.

The second party listed is the same day as the RV BBQ. Sorta committed to that one. :D
Ok Tom, am I that obvious?

She is one special person.

Unfortunately I can't make Iowa City. The engine is still in parts. I can't reach the CA-based cylinder facility to see if they have even ordered the cylinders much less work on them.

At least I am saving on fuel.
RV-10's at IOW Party

Gray Bridwell and Russ Daves will be at IOW in their RV-10's with their family staying at Alexis Inn on 7/21/07 and staging out together for Oshkosh early Sunday morning.