
I have a 320B1A only to recently find out from VANS there maybe issues installing this engine on a 9 (for sure on 9A). I searched on this engine model and found people changing the sump to a vertical or forward horizontal, however that was a on 6. Does the same apply to a 9? (not a 9a)

Has anyone installed a 320B1A model a on 9? And do I need to change the mounts to a DF1, or keep it a DF2?

Advice would be appreciated.

Are you building a -9 and not a -9A? If so, my next question is, which cowling are you going to use?

The first engine in my -9 taildragger was an O-290-D2 that was later replaced with an O-360 with the Sam James short cowl. Both installations required some creativity. With the 360 and short cowl I had to significantly modify the FAB, which worked out really well.

The you might have to do some creative work but that engine should work on the -9. The -9A is another story because the nose gear gets in the way.

Check your PM's.
Thanks Bill.

I'm building a 9 taildragger.

I was told I may have to move the injectors, hopefully this shouldn't be a problem. More concerned about room with the intake, exhaust, and other unknown. Attempting to get everything figured out before I order the finishing kit.


I'm past this point in my RV 9/IO320-B1A rebuild. Here's the deal and there are a couple of issues. Vans says no Dynafocal 2 mounts are available for the 9/9A so I had my crankcase modified from Dyna 2 to Dyna 1 and bought a new Dyna 1 mount from Vans. There are rumors that a Dyna 2 mount can be custom built, but I was unable to locate anyone. Other problem is the stock B1A rear mounted injector won't work due to interference issues with the engine mount so you are going to need another sump. At this point you have 2 ways to go, vertical or horizontal induction. Vertical induction sumps are more numerous, easier to find and less expensive than the horizontal. In my case the lower cowl already had the scoop or snout for vertical induction and I found a D2J sump and pipes for a reasonable price so went that route. This is a good time to switch to a carb if you are so inclined or the stock Bendix Servo (fuel injector) mounts on the bottom of the sump just like the carb does. There are other minor things to work out as well. Contact me if I can help.

Don Broussard
RV 9 Rebuild in Progress
[email protected]
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I'm past this point in my RV 9/IO320-B1A rebuild. Vans says no Dynafocal 2 mounts are available for the 9/9A so I had my crankcase modified from Dyna 2 to Dyna 1


I'm going down the same path with Dyna2 to Dyna1 conversion of an IO-320. I already have the front intake sump and Dyna1 mount. Who did you use to convert the crankcase? Cost? Any snags or problems that I should be aware of going this way?

Off The Reservation

As long as you use the engines Van sells they are great. If you choose something else then you are referred to the manufacture for any questions.
I do not fault Vans, they can not support all possible combinations of engines.

Before you go too far down any path, call Custom Components at 253 272 5554
(Bruce). He was very helpful in building a custom engine mount for me. By the way, I picked a slightly different engine (a 235 variant) and it cost me at least six months to sort out the installation.

Bruce can solve the Dyna Focal issue easily, sumps may be more difficult unless you find an example to look at or photograph.

Your best hope is to find a RV9 builder with that engine and become good friends.

I'm going down the same path with Dyna2 to Dyna1 conversion of an IO-320. I already have the front intake sump and Dyna1 mount. Who did you use to convert the crankcase? Cost? Any snags or problems that I should be aware of going this way?


I used Divco in Tulsa. It took about a week and cost the $250 they quoted me.
Rv9a with O290d2

Looking for some information on performance that can be expected from an rv9a with a O290d2. This might be in my near future .
Looking for some information on performance that can be expected from an rv9a with a O290d2. This might be in my near future .

Having started with an O-290D2b in my tail dragger -9, I can honestly say that the performance numbers Van's estimated on their site are correct. The O-290 is a great match for the -9(A), as long as the plane is light. Mine was 990 lbs empty at the time. The other problem with the 290 is that it has a very low TBO, like 1500 hours, and if you have to overhaul it, you may not be able to find parts. My engine had 0SMHO but it was done in 1959 and pickled. The engine ran great but after a prop strike I replaced it because parts were simply not available.