
Well Known Member
I am in search of IO-540 C4B5 and found a few that are narrow deck and one that is wide deck. In your opinion, what is narrow deck serviceablity and durability compared to wide deck? Any other advise regarding IO-540 search to fit the RV10?
Welcome to VAF!!!!

Jack, welcome to the good ship VAF.

Good to have you aboard.

Sorry, cant help you with the engine, mine is already in use on my 10.:D
I am in search of IO-540 C4B5 and found a few that are narrow deck and one that is wide deck. In your opinion, what is narrow deck serviceablity and durability compared to wide deck? Any other advise regarding IO-540 search to fit the RV10?

Can't really speak to the narrow-deck vs wide-deck question, other than to say the WD is a "newer" design, but I don't think it really matters much one way or the other.

Just make sure you're looking at parallel valve engines as IIRC the angle valve motors don't physically fit without major mods to the cowl. I think they weigh more too which could cause W&B issues.
I just finished putting together the lower end of a 540-E4B5 ND for my next 10. I haven't done cylinders yet, so options are open. If you're interested I might part with it and finish it however you like.
In my opinion durability and serviceability are equal. Although Lycoming no longer produces N/D engines, they are fully supported from a parts perspective. So to me, there isn't a real reason not to go either way. The N/D engine weighs about 1 pound more then the W/D like accessories and configuration, so weight shouldn't be an issues either.
Of course N/D engines have been around for longer calendar time then W/D, so as with any engine purchase, a good review of the engine's history is necessary to ensure that you know what you are getting as far as an engine core is concerned.
Good Luck,
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