[email protected]

Well Known Member
Finishing up the engine install instructions, and I have a couple of Red caps left on the engine.

1. is the Tack drive. I am planning on getting the tack information out of my lightspeed, so I don't need to connect anything to the Tack drive. Where do I find a cap or something to seal this up?

2. Just over the oil filter there is a hole for a fitting? Is this where the oil temp probe goes in? If not what am I missing. (I thought the oil temp probe went down at the bottom somewhere, but have not really studied where all the probes go, that is my task for this week.)


Please ignore all the ignition wires and other things. Tiewraps are temp, and many of the cables have not been final secured.

Yes oil temp sending goes in oil filter housing.
We removed red cap on tach drive and installed Andair tach cover from ACS. You can get Tach signal can come from mag or LS ...we installed tach sensor in mag.
What Jack said......

You would think that Lycoming would just ship with one of these since most of the modern avionics don't use this port anymore.

$20 at ACS


Guess I should have done a little searching before posting.
Figured there was a cap, just did not know what it was called, and did not think of searching ACS for Tack Cap :)
Lightspeed RPM info

How does one get RPM info from a Lightspeed ignition (Plasma III in my case) that is usable by an EMS? My Lightspeed instructions refer only to a millivolt output that can be read by the meter they sell or by a voltmeter with a millivolt scale.

Thanks, David
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There is a pulse tach output on the INPUT connector.


Which EFIS's can directly set. It is 3 pulses per revolution. Some EFIS (G3X with older 73 ADHR) will need a "Pull Down" resistor. Lightspeed's signal does not go low enough to trigger a pulse on the G3X, so you add a resistor to ground to sink some of the voltage. Manual calls for 10k, but mine would not work with that, but worked great with a 4k.

If you don't use a separate input for your mag (if you have 1 mag and 1 lightspeed) then you will not get any reading of tach when doing your mag check. You can also wire a mag sensor in as a second input (at least with G3X) and it will take the higher of the 2.
I used a cable driven transducer that I mounted on the firewall, and the cable goes to the tach drive port shown in the first post of this thread.

Signal from the transducer goes to the tach input of my GRT.


This way, my tach signal is independent of the ignition system------allows me to upgrade the ignition someday and not have to worry about how to get the RPM signal.

I was looking at that port today. I know that most RV-10s use the P leads on the mags, but your's sounds interesting. Can you elaborate? We had just planned on using the mag signals to our GRT EIS for the tach signal, but how would you change the mechanical output to something the EIS can read?
