
There is a mandatory service bulletin for IO-540 and IO-360 about fuel injection tubings. SB342G. In fact you need to double the clamps that holds the injection tubes to the push rod tubes.

I did the bulletin for my aircraft and installed the clamps. Also you need to inspect tubes for cracks of any imperfections. What i did. Found all ok.

Today, I opened my cowling for inspection after 11 hours of flying. Surprise!!!! One tube cracked and blue traces inside cowling indicating that fuel has blowed to the engine compartment.... Gave thanks to God...

Noticed on last flight that engine was a little bit rough at full power...

Previous vibrations before the update on tubes made them at the end of their life...

Ordered all new tubes, no chance to take with others...

For those concerned, i think this is a good thing to know....


Perhaps I’m reading the SB wrong, I didn’t realize you needed to double up the clamps, I thought we just verify the clamps are in the proper position ..
Good catch on finding a leak!
Perhaps I’m reading the SB wrong, I didn’t realize you needed to double up the clamps, I thought we just verify the clamps are in the proper position ..
Good catch on finding a leak!

They have been using two clamps per line for quite some time, so the SB is just to insure two are there. Only double if your engine only has 1 per line, as was the standard some time ago.
