I am so insanely far away from needing an engine, however that is much better than I had thought it would be. Glad I started the 14. Having a blast with the endless drilling/countersinking of the wing spars.
Van's will not be selling this engine to RV-14 builders at this time. We will be required to have purchased all the kits including firewall forward before becoming eligible to purchase.
Van's will not be selling this engine to RV-14 builders at this time. We will be required to have purchased all the kits including firewall forward before becoming eligible to purchase.

That seems somewhat odd to me...it seems they should specify that condition on the flyer if that was the case. What is the source of this information?

I was planning on ordering my engine at this price and I would think as long as we have a serial number we should be good to go.
That seems somewhat odd to me...it seems they should specify that condition on the flyer if that was the case. What is the source of this information?

I was planning on ordering my engine at this price and I would think as long as we have a serial number we should be good to go.

Van's agreement with Lyc. ever since they started selling their new engines, has been as an OEM customer.
That means they can only buy engines for an aircraft they produce (this protects Lyc. dealers). An aircraft constitutes a complete kit. Once you have purchased a complete kit, you can purchase a new engine at an OEM price that will be cheaper than any dealer will sell it for.
Van's agreement with Lyc. ever since they started selling their new engines, has been as an OEM customer.
That means they can only buy engines for an aircraft they produce (this protects Lyc. dealers). An aircraft constitutes a complete kit. Once you have purchased a complete kit, you can purchase a new engine at an OEM price that will be cheaper than any dealer will sell it for.

I guess that makes sense now...thanks for the clarification. I hope the price point on the IO-390 remains in that ballpark or even drops while the remaining 14 kits are finalized!
I guess that makes sense now...thanks for the clarification. I hope the price point on the IO-390 remains in that ballpark or even drops while the remaining 14 kits are finalized!

I would suggest asking Van's for a raincheck or deposit on the engine to see if they will lock in the price. They probably will cap the time for you, but it would be worth the shot.

I got my information from Sterling (Van's) @ Sun N Fun. Was thinking along the lines of what was posted here.
I think one of the reasons Vans is publishing the cost of the engine to help people quantify the cost of building the RV14 vs the 7/9. It was an important part of my decision to build the RV14.
The folks at the Van's both said they are trying to work with Lycoming to allow people to go ahead and order an engine for the RV-14.

I just spoke with "Bruce" at Van's and he said that I would still be eligible to buy an engine at their pricing even though I bought my wings already complete from another builder. ( Since it is now registered to me, I will buy the remaining kits and will be the one to complete the project)
Van's agreement with Lyc. ever since they started selling their new engines, has been as an OEM customer.
That means they can only buy engines for an aircraft they produce (this protects Lyc. dealers). An aircraft constitutes a complete kit. Once you have purchased a complete kit, you can purchase a new engine at an OEM price that will be cheaper than any dealer will sell it for.

According to the above, you also have to buy the f/w forward kit as well? What if you wanted to source those parts elsewhere?
I know you have to buy at least one kit section, I'm not sure if you have to buy the rest. I just told him my situation and said it wasn't a problem
According to the above, you also have to buy the f/w forward kit as well? What if you wanted to source those parts elsewhere?
Good question...I'm prepared to buy/order an engine this year at Oshkosh, but I'm not sure I want the whole firewall forward package. Maybe Scott can clarify what qualifies as a "complete kit"?

Good question...I'm prepared to buy/order an engine this year at Oshkosh, but I'm not sure I want the whole firewall forward package. Maybe Scott can clarify what qualifies as a "complete kit"?


It shouldn't be an issue. I didn't order a complete firewall forward kit. I removed about half the components.

Van's did indeed allow the RV-14 builders to purchase the IO-390 without the finishing kits purchased (they are not available yet) at the Sun n Fun prices this year. Mine is scheduled for July 2nd shipping. So I do not think deleting a few items later will matter.
Just talked with Sterling at Van's on another topic, and asked the complete kit question. "Complete" = tail, wings, fuse and finish kits.

We will see shortly, with that said I was referring to the RV-14 ONLY. It was an exception to their policy with Lycoming.
Ron, what price did Vans give you on the IO-390? I have wing and empennage kits showing up next week and have a potential sale on my other airplane, so I am thinking of buying an engine now before the prices go back up to what they used to be.