
I'm New Here
I am new at this so please excuse the ignorance. From What I have been reading the RV-10 will accept a 210HP lycoming. From at the info I have read I have only seen the 540 being used. I was just wondering if a more ecinomical IO-360 would be sufficient in your opinion. Also if you have or know of anyone going with this set up I would appriciate the link,
Thanks Eric
Good question

From Van's aircraft:

Engines the RV-10 is designed to accept

The six cylinder (I)O-540 Lycoming. The prototype has the maximum acceptable 260 hp version. Other engines from 200-260 hp might be adapted, but current kits are designed around the six cylinder Lycoming.

So yes you are right you could put a smaller engine, even a 4 cylinder engine in, but current kit production is designed for the 6 cylinder Lycoming. I am sure Van's will offer different cowls and/or engine mounts in the future. My be the AEIO-360-X (210HP) Lyc would be a good choice?


Cheers George
Um...just to be clear here.

Van's has 2 prototypes flying.

#1 Has the Lyc 540
#2 Has the Continental IO-360 @210 h.p.

Both airplanes perfrom very close in top end, of course the 540 climbs better, but the Continental has it's benefits too. It's not Nose heavy like the 6 banher is, and doesn't have a chin scoop on the cowl like the Lyc does.

Seems it's a very nice flying plane with the 360 in it, though most people are in fact putting the 540 on it, I've run into a couple that are planning on the 360. Take a look on Van's site, RV10 #2 (the green/white one) is flying with the continental on it. There was an article in the RVator or either online about it's flight characterisitcs, but I don't have them in hand.

Both are 6 cyl

SteinAir said:
Um...just to be clear here.

Van's has 2 prototypes flying.

#1 Has the Lyc 540
#2 Has the Continental IO-360 @210 h.p.
Prototype aside as I quoted Van's states

Engines the RV-10 is designed to accept

"The six cylinder (I)O-540 Lycoming. The prototype has the maximum acceptable 260 hp version. Other engines from 200-260 hp might be adapted, but current kits are designed around the six cylinder Lycoming."

Clearly Van has opened the door to any engine in that 200-260 HP range. I know they considered some of the larger continentals like a O-470, but found they did not fit well.

Knowing Van I bet he would prefer to offer as few engine choices as possible and one would be best. I would not be surprised that the (I)O-540 Lyc is the only engine he will support with the kit. Van had a Franklin powered RV prototype and never offered it as a kit.

Is there a Continental IO-360 engine kit option yet? I don't think so. If the Continental works well in the prototype, I know a Lyc 4 Cyl IO-360 or 390 Lyc could also work well. Even the Piper Comanche made use of 4, 6 and 8 cylinder versions of the Lyc (from 180 to 400 HP) for the same basic airframe. I could see Van offering a 4 banger Lyc option next.

It has to be worth it for Van's to offer different kits for differnt engines, which means differnt mounts and other components. Only time will tell if Van makes a continental IO-360 option or any other engine option. I think the (I)O-540 Lyc will be most popular, and IMHO the best choice for the -10. Also I think you can find a used or overhauled IO-540 Lyc cheaper than a Continental?

To answer the original question, I would suggest you write Van's and tell them you want a Angle Valve IO-360 or IO-390 Lycoming as an option. I know a RV-10 would fly well on 200 HP. Many 4-place planes have done well on much less than 200hp: Grumman Cheetah and Tiger only had 160-180HP, fixed prop and also the Piper Warrior and Archer. If you built it light you could get by on 180HP just fine. Weight and ballance may be an issue, but an engine mount that places the engine further out from the firewall would solve that. Imagine all the room you would have to work on the back of the engine with it extended out. :p

Thanks George
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While at Sun n Fun I overhead someone at Vans saying that they have not tooled up for the Continental IO-360 firewall forward kit and they don't plan on it. The protoype was just that, a prototype. In practice most everyone is going for the 540 so that's what they will be supporting. When the guy pressed on about why not, the Van's guy just said that it makes more sense to just go with the more common and cheaper 540. He was very clear that Van's was not interested in supporting a bunch of engines.