
Trying to decide on engine for RV7 project, with intention of being able to fly continous inverted, but no requirement for other than basic aero's.

Can I configure stock Vans IO-360M1B for continuous inverted (oil/fuel etc) or do I need the AIO-360?

Thanks for any advise.
frankh said:
Is perfectly fine with a Raven Invert kit.


Not sure but the Raven System looks just like the Christen System but it is black instead of white.

At one time, Spruce had a FREE Christen manual that told you how to install it. On page 288 of the 2006-2007 catalog, they have 10-page detailed manual P/N 05-20600 for $11.80. Some engines required a BOSS be welded to the sump as an oil pick up.
My Raven is white...:)

The other difference is there is no Tee fitting required with the Raven and this makes it somewhat simpler to install...At least I guess it does.

I was out testing it after work...Made myself queesy in just half an hour...I guess it works...and I'm getting older!..:)

Frank 7a
And no boss required

At least the Mattituck clone did not need one at least.

Frank 7a
The raven system is just a basic copy of the Christen system only a lot cheaper! The T fitting really has nothing to do with it being made by Raven or Christen, but rather the use of the vac pump pad fitting that can and has been used for years with the Christen systems as well. See p/n 07-06790 from ACS or You can install that adapter with either system.

Anyway, they are basically the same system. I happen to have the Christen system on my RV6, because I don't recall the other one being readily available back when I built my plane. That being said, if I were to do it again today (and I probably wouldn't) I'd just buy the cheaper one.....

Just my 2 cents as usual!


RV6 - AEIO-360, Minneapolis

I have to admit the furthest I've gotten in using the invert kit is today, basically rolling inverted and watching the oil pressure guage stay at 70 psi...Cool...Ooh look at the ground UP there...:)

Would I do it again...Ya I probably would...and would probably not really use that one either...:)

Mind you, it was fun watching one of the instrument students and CFI's in a 172 head off to do a hold at my local airport, I could see what they were doing so I just stayed off their wing tip and tuned into Center and just listened...

and rolled inverted into a over long split S...Easy to know when they are talking about you....:)

Easily amused Frank 7a