
Well Known Member
I have mounted my engine on my RV 9. It has been preserved for two years and all indicators were OK. I now wish to start installing all the components on the engine and later start with sensor wiring(EGT,CHT etc). Vans suggest installing the exhaust system first as it is large and everything has to be routed around it. I went to remove the cover from the exhaust port and oil leaked out, I assume this is the preservative oil. I looked through threads on traditional a/c engines but can't find any information on how I should proceed. Probably won't be flying for about 6 months and I live in a dry area. Any help would be appreciated as this is a very new part of the build to me. Thanks
I taped the inlet, put desiccator plugs in the top locations. Others tape a plastic bag with desiccant over the exhaust exit as well when the system is on for good.

I do have to replace/restore the plug desiccate periodically Just be sure you read about how long it takes. You can get the color indicator to change quickly, but all the water is not removed for a much longer time at temperature.
Thanks Bill
I'm imagining that if all holes are covered or have desiccant protection then moisture really shouldn't be a problem. I appreciate your help.