
I'm New Here
I am thinking about building a -8. I have a few questions on it.....
- Is the 390 Lycoming a good engine for this plane or should I stick with the 180hp, whats the pros. and cons?
- How many of you are putting inverted oil systems in yours?
- Is a fuel boost pump standard on the plane?
Hi Jake...

Others will have their opinions... but here are mine!

180HP is ideal for an RV-8... more will rarely be used, and must be balanced against any extra weight up front. A possible exception is the ability to cruise faster at high altitude where a higher power engine will give you more speed - this factor not so relevant for those of us in the UK. Prop is clearly as big a factor here (FP? C/S? Metal? Composite) - if not more so.

Not many fit full inverted oil, but many fit a flop tube. I would reverse that decision - there is little need for a flop tube unless you have inverted oil. Inverted Oil will add weight / cost / complexity up front, and an element of risk, especially if it is not maintained. So ask yourself if you really want to do more than short duration inverted?

Fuel Boost pump - not sure what you mean by "standard"? It is not supplied in the "kit", but are via the Van's catalogue. There are alternatives available.

CG is a big consideration in the RV-8. Going for a big engine, full inverted system and a metal C/S prop will make solo aeros much less fun :mad: A small engine, wood FP prop and no inverted with a heavy pax will put you out of rear CG limit for aeros. So take CG into account with what you fit, and some decisions during the build e.g. battery.

All of the above are re the RV-8. From your username (BergRV8A) you might be looking at a completely different type about which I know nothing :eek:

Thanks for the info.
I'm thinking 180hp, C/S prop., and two Garmin G3X screens, any advise on the G3X?
About the boost pump, I didn't know if every RV-8 had one or if it was an option for the plane.
Yes, I was questioning about the -8. When I first signed up for this forum, I was interested in the -8A, but now I know, it will be def. a -8 when I get one.
Thats another question I have, does anyone know how to change their username?
Boost pump or backup pump, depending on weather you have a carburetor or fuel injection will determine what pump you use but the short answer is yes. The pump will aid in priming the engine for start and insure that if the engine driven pump fails you can continue to lift fuel to the engine in order to maintain powered flight. This is the standard way but there are people that are putting electric pumps at each wing tank to push the fuel up the hill rather then pulling it as dose the engine driven pump, this seems like a good alterative method.
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I am in the very early stages of building but here's what I am planning for the engine.
- IO-375 an Aerosport Power Engine. Around 200hp for the cost and weight of 180hp.
- Yes, I am planning on having an inverted oil system, as well as a flop tube in one tank.
- I am going to have an backup electric fuel pump. Never thought of putting a pump in each wing, but it is something I'm going to think about.