
Well Known Member
Hi ... need some advise AND PICTURES.... just had flop tube installed in LH fuel tank and exits tank very near leading edge . What is best routing to get the fuel line to fuel selectior valve ?? Bracket for the forward wing mount is in the way to go to rear ....could go over ....Tom from TS flightlines says go under ( I tend to agree with his you know he is superb !)
Any pictures or ideas?? Many thanks. Stew [email protected]
I can't post picture here but...

I could email some pictures of pictures of my RV-4 set up on the right wing.

send me a pm with your email address if you want them.

RV7 pictures

Thanks for the link to pictures of RV7 install ...that is so much more room than on the -4 ....I have a solution worked out with a custom brazed fitting at tanks from Tom of TS FLIGHTLINES....incredible customer service . On the off chance that doesn't work I have an alternate plan to go straight out and into fuselage just ahead of the bracket