Mike S

Senior Curmudgeon
I was watching a program on TV last night, about products in everyday life that are spin offs from NASA.

Thanks Paul!! And all the other aerospace folks out there.

One of these was intumescent coatings. Developed for space capsule heat shield usage-----ablative is the term, IIRC.

Made me wonder if this could be used on our firewalls, and what the pros/cons of such would be??

Three big questions I have are exposure to oil, and long term exposure to the temps under the cowling, and long term adhesion to a thin/flexible sheet of stainless steel.

Internet searching proved to be a big waste of time, so it is time to go to the VAF database.

Any of you with knowledge/experience of these materials, please comment.

Thanks in advance.
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intumescent coatings

In my industry (buiding/construction material), intumescent coatings are applied to areas where, in the event of fire...temp starting at (IIRC) 750*F the coating will "bubble and foam" forming air filled "pillows of protection" to protect the substrate. How these coating are effected by oil and oil vapour is something for the techy's.
Lorne, thanks for the reply, hopefully someone out there in VAF land will be able to answer these questions.

Considering the potential disaster that an in flight engine fire poses, this stuff might just be a lifesaver.

Rupester, thanks for the link.

This sounds exactly like what I had in mind.
OK Mike, you used "intumescent" and "ablative" in the same post. NOW I have to go get a dictionary! I've learned a TON on this web site about RVs, but this is one post I have got to watch.

RV-9a wannabe