
Well Known Member
I am a new RV-8 "builder" in Palm Beach county Florida. I look forward to drawing upon the knowledge of this community.

I recently purchased a kit that has most of the major components complete. The fuselage is upright and on its wheels. The wings and tanks are complete, and the empennage is mostly complete. The canopy is mounted, and the glass work is done. My main question is timing. When should an engine be ordered? Should the wings be attached after the engine is mounted, or vice versa? Mount the flaps and ailerons after the wings are mounted to the fuselage? Same with the tail and elevator/rudder. Do the majority of builders follow the build plan line for line, or is there a more efficient way? I plan on seeking advice/help from the local EAA chapter. In the mean time, any help is appreciated!

If you are thinking of a new engine, many builders buy from Vans during Oshkosh (Aug), when Vans usually offers an extra discount over their already good prices.
If you are thinking of a new engine, many builders buy from Vans during Oshkosh (Aug), when Vans usually offers an extra discount over their already good prices.

Thanks for the reply. I saw the Vans special, but she think I've got an engine lined up from a local engine builder.
At what point did you purchase your engine?
Thanks for the reply. I saw the Vans special, but she think I've got an engine lined up from a local engine builder.
At what point did you purchase your engine?

You cannot fit the cowl without the engine an prop (or at least a prop hub identical to the prop you plan to use.

Buy the engine now. Do all the glass work (including wheel pants) with the wings off (a boatload easier). Make sure you secure the tail down as once you mount the engine (with no wings) the tail will not stay down on its own.

After you got all that done, then build the panel.

I bought mine 7 months before I was ready to start working on it (bought in August, mounted in Feb). Also,
Buy avionics last - they change the fastest.
You cannot fit the cowl without the engine an prop (or at least a prop hub identical to the prop you plan to use.

Buy the engine now. Do all the glass work (including wheel pants) with the wings off (a boatload easier). Make sure you secure the tail down as once you mount the engine (with no wings) the tail will not stay down on its own.

After you got all that done, then build the panel.


Good advice. Thanks!

The fuselage previously had an engine mounted, so hopefully the cowling (which was already mounted) does not require extensive modification.