
I'm New Here
Hello VAF. With an RV-14a empennage kit on the way next month, it is time to leave the lurker world and join the community!

I am a former aero engineer turned AF medical guy that finally landed in Mississippi with a long time dream to build and fly an RV. The pilot’s license is quite old and dusty, but will address that during the build. After Sun and Fun this year, my 15 year old and I made the leap. The garage is set up, and we are ready to go … hopefully.

Wanted to say a big thank you to Doug and everybody on this forum. Been following for quite a while, and the positivity and wealth of knowledge in this community has convinced me that the build is very doable.

Hope to contribute to the forum in the future. Would love to connect with anybody near the Mississippi coast.


Welcome to VAF

Hello VAF. With an RV-14a empennage kit on the way next month, it is time to leave the lurker world and join the community!



George, welcome aboard the good ship VAF:D
Welcome, there are several RV folks around the area


Mike should connect you with a few folks. I have a 9A over at PQL, also there is a 14A getting ready to take flight.

Welcome aboard
