
Hello all,
I've been using this great resource for a couple of months now and it has been invaluable. Before my question, I guess I shoould bring you all up to speed. I purchased a RV-9a kit partially completed. The empennage is completed with the exception of fiberglass tips. Wings are done except for pitot, fiberglass, wiring, etc. Fuselage is at about the quick build stage. I spent some time teaching myself to rivet, reading the manual, inspecting and checking off things tht have been done already. Well, I've been actually doing some work on the plane now and it's been going well! I love working on this thing! I've finally got a question though (first of many I'm sure). I'm fitting and drilling the baggage compartment peices and I'm wondering about the platenuts and dimpling of the pieces. For example, the two corrugated pieces are now match drilled with the 706 bulkhead and it looks as though I am to install platenuts in the bulkhead. Do I dimple bulkhead for the screwhole of the platenut? I assumed I dimple the corrugted pieces so the screws will lie flush but wasn't sure about dimpling the bulkhead where the platenuts are attatched. Thanks!

Hmm. If you're talking about for the screws that hold the baggage wall on the bulkhead, the plans do not call out countersunk screws, so no dimpling. Also, a good clue is the type of platenut used.