Hi all, as a very long time lurker I have realized it is time to tap into the brain trust and officially join this community. For a little background, I have been a working pilot for 43 years and counting and have been an aircraft owner for nearly that whole time. I owned an RV-6a for a short while, then was a partner in a terrific RV-4 that we put 1200 hrs. on in a ten year span. Now I own an RV-7 and I have to say that it is just about the perfect airplane for me. It boils down to being an airplane with great utility that is fun to go fly, rather than having to have a reason to go fly.

Now my question; Referencing SL-00014 concerning deformation in the aft fuselage, the service bullitan is meant to address prevention. What has anybody done if it is already deformed? My aft fuselage has a visible bow on both sides between the aft bulkheads, and my concern is that the skin will start cracking at the bulkhead rivets. I will for sure contact Van's support about this but I wanted to ask here as well, and get my feet wet with the forum in the process.

This is my first but I am sure it won't be my last post. I think we are all very fortunate to have such a powerfull resouce to connect us to this knowledge and experience pool. Thank you Doug.

Hiram Douglas
Aeronca 7AC
Clip Wing Cub (nearly finished))
Bucker 133 (in progress)
Donated 2021
Martin, thank you for your reply, that is exactly the info I needed. I tried searching by every key word I could think of because I figured this issue has been addressed, but had no luck.
