
Well Known Member
The New SkyView​

Today Dynon is excited to announce a suite of new products, along with SkyView 10 software which features over 30 new features and improvements. For more information, visit www.TheNewSkyView.com and download the new SkyView brochure.

SkyView Touch?

Today, SkyView enters a whole new era: touch. But don't worry, this is touch the Dynon way: ?Touch when you want it; Turbulence when you don?t.? What started as a grammatically challenged joke of a catch-phrase turned into the philosophy that we used to guide the design of SkyView Touch?. Although we all use touch-controlled products like smartphones and tablets in our daily lives, turbulence can quickly render a touch interface practically impossible to use. SkyView Touch solves this by using touch to augment and complement the physical buttons and joystick knobs rather than replacing them outright. It?s the best of both worlds.

Elements like on-screen keyboards speed up entry of airport identifiers and the map zooms and pans just like you've experienced on every tablet you've used. Touch an airport for more information, or touch an airspace and the altitudes pop right up. Touch the altitude tape and the closest knob assigns itself to adjusting your altitude bug. Touch the transponder and up pops the transponder menu. The system retains Dynon's industry leading screens with incredible brightness and anti-glare properties, so there's nothing in the way of your flight on a bright, sunny day. The ability to automatically dim enough for even the darkest nights? That's still there too.

Not convinced? No problem. The non-touch D1000 is still available, and it isn't becoming a second-fiddle product. SkyView Touch is built on the same platform and runs the same software as non-touch products, so everyone will continue to get the same software updates in the future.

To top it all off is the price: SkyView Touch? is priced at $3995 (MSRP), only $395 above the non-touch 10? display. Dynon?s commitment to supporting product platforms for years means that existing SkyView customers don?t get left behind: every existing SkyView SV-D1000 display can be upgraded to touch for only $795. No panel cutting or re-wiring needed: Just drop it in. SkyView Touch displays are plug 'n play drop in replacements for existing SkyView installations. SkyView Touch begins shipping in April 2014, with updates to existing units starting a bit after.

Knob control panel

SkyView was designed with maximum flexibility in mind, which is why it has 8 "soft" keys and 2 re-assignable joystick knobs. In busy cockpits, sometimes all you want is a knob that "just works" and always does what you expect. The SV-KNOB-PANEL solves that issue with three knobs for the most used functions: Altimeter setting (BARO), Heading bug, and the Altitude bug. It has quality, heavy-detent knobs, with an automatically dimming backlight for night flight. It's incredibly easy to install with simple plug-n-play integration to SkyView Network with no aircraft wiring needed. The SV-KNOB-PANEL comes in Horizontal and Vertical versions beginning April 2014 for $250.

Autopilot control panel

In the same vein as the Knob control panel, the Autopilot control panel allows full control of the SkyView approach-capable autopilot without touching a single button on the SkyView screen. Just reach up, touch the mode you want, and sit back while SkyView takes the work out of your flying. Innovative features like the LEVEL button are always there for you no matter what else you are doing with SkyView. All buttons are backlit and feature sharp tactile feedback when pressed.

It doesn't stop there. The Autopilot module is also a full featured dual axis trim controller. It can manage your electric pitch and/or roll trim motors, replacing any relay decks that may be in the airplane. It also has the ability to slow down the speed of trim as you fly faster so that your trim sensitivity is the same at all airspeeds ("speed scheduling" in jet-speak). More than a simple two speed controller, this feature is fully proportional across airspeed and can be easily adjusted right in the SkyView menus.

Controlling trim in your aircraft is serious, and we take safety here to the next level. The trim controller works even if SkyView is offline, with redundant power inputs. Trim is protected from running away due to stuck buttons. The outputs are protected from shorts, and the pilot has priority over co-pilot inputs.

Use of the trim controller is optional. The SV-AP-PANEL is available in Horizontal and Vertical versions beginning April 2014 for $550.
Software Features

SkyView 10 Software​

Dynon has been hard at work adding customer-requested features to SkyView, and this release has huge updates to the already full-featured SkyView set. As usual, software updates are completely free. SkyView 10 software is expected to be available for download late March 2014.

Enroute Charts (Sectionals and IFR HI/LO)

Last year Dynon partnered with Seattle Avionics to provide geo-referenced Airport Diagrams and approach charts at the industry-busting price of $99 per year. SkyView 10 adds the ability to display geo-referenced sectionals and IFR HI and LO charts as an alternate display on the map. Even better, this data is included in the $99 subscription you already have.

Flight plans are displayed on top of the charts, as well as weather, traffic, and any terrain alerts. Elements like airspaces and airports can still be selected, and with touch, you can pinch, zoom, and pan - smoothly and without stutter - to navigate your way anywhere.

The Six Pack

Been flying a Cessna 172 for the last 20 years and are more comfortable with the six-pack analog gauges than the tapes on an EFIS display? SkyView has your back. You can now choose a six-pack display on your EFIS, with or without Synthetic Vision in the background. Digital numbers in each gauge give you precision when you need it. The six-pack can be displayed next to the MAP and/or EMS at the same time.

IFR GPS Flight Plan Display + HSI Auto-Switching

Do you have an IFR certified GPS in your airplane but hate the small screen? SkyView can now display the whole flight plan from an IFR GPS right on the SkyView map, including arcs, holds, entries, and more. The text flight plan is also displayed on SkyView in the flight planning page.

SkyView will now also follow the CDI button on your navigator, switching between VLOC and GPS modes. If your navigator sequences automatically, SkyView will follow. No more pressing HSI SRC on the approach as you intercept the ILS or go missed!

Altitude Intercept Arc

Sometimes called the green banana (personally, we like the periwinkle plantain), this shows you where over the earth you will be when you arrive at your target altitude. It's great for planning arrivals at the end of your flight plan, or for making sure you will be above the airspace by the time you get to it. It's even better when paired with the Dynon autopilot, which can hold a vertical speed for you.

Vertical Speed Required

Want to know when you should start that descent from cruise altitude? SkyView can now tell you how many feet per minute you would need to descend at to end up at pattern altitude a mile away from the airport. Choose your descent rate, wait for VSR to show that number, and start down. The speed required even shows up on the vertical speed tape to make it easy to hit.

Dual Engine / Radial Support

Did your project end up a bit out of hand and now you have two engines on your plane? Do you have to turn your engine over a few times slowly before you start it to prevent the lower cylinders from flying off? SkyView is here to help.

SkyView 10 supports dual EMS-220 or EMS-221 modules. You can use these modules to support aircraft with twin engines, or you can use them to increase the number of thermocouples supported in the system up to 28, for total monitoring of EGT and CHT on 8 cylinder and larger engines.
More software features!

Track Line Time and Distance Display


From the "things requested on our user forum" file comes a simple line on the map that shows distance or estimated time. This is user programmable for how many miles out you want to see, how many minutes, or you can show both at once. It even moves over to the side when you are direct on course so it doesn't hide the course line!

Thanks to Luigi for the request - http://dynonavionics.com/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1372247443
ADS-B Traffic Tail Number Display

SkyView will now display the tail numbers for traffic targets below the target on the map. It's a fun way to keep an eye on your buddies, or to just making sure that you have the right plane on a traffic call-out. Tail number display requires a Dynon ADS-B receiver, and the target aircraft must be equipped with ADS-B out. Since the GA fleet hasn't really started equipping yet, you're going to see mostly other SkyView-equipped airplanes and airliners for now!

Airport Names in Nearest List + List Filtering

The Nearest list now has two new features. First, you can display the whole airport name as part of the list, instead of just the airport ID.

Thanks to Jchang for the idea! - http://dynonavionics.com/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1377452625

Second, you can filter the nearest list by runway type, length, and whether it's a public airport. This way, you can see just airports you care about and shorten the list. In an emergency, just deselect the "FILTER" button and the list goes back to all airports.

New EMS Range Colors

You can now choose a variety of colors for your EMS ranges. No longer are you limited to just white, black, green, yellow, and red. The blue is particularly useful for low temperature ranges, or for indicating the state of water landing gear on Amphibs. Add some color to your flying!

Thanks to SkySailor for this suggestion - http://dynonavionics.com/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1388766460)

ADS-B Winds Aloft

With a SkyView ADS-B receiver SkyView 10 can now display the nearest winds aloft. These are displayed on the weather tab for each airport and have the nearest wind report displayed. Great for choosing the optimal cruising altitude at your current location!

Audio Alerts for Retractable and Amphibious Landing Gear

We live in Seattle. People at Dynon own at least 3 floatplanes. We don't want to see you end up on your back. To combat this, SkyView can now call out "GEAR IS UP FOR WATER LANDING" or "GEAR IS DOWN FOR RUNWAY LANDING" as you approach your landing, just as a friendly reminder to check that gear state.

For those of you speed demons out there with retracts, we can remind you if your gear is up with a "CHECK GEAR" warning, and we also support warning for gear overspeed as well.

Even more!​

This has been a huge release for us, with months of hard work and testing, and we're excited to get it out to you. SkyView 10.0 includes many, many more changes, fixes, and updates. Please check out the full change log which will be posted when the software is released.

Hope to see many of you at Sun n' Fun, booths A-034, A-035, A-036!
Wow...I don't have time to take all this in right now, but I know what I'll be reading when I get home! Great work!
All very good things from Dynon. I especially like the Control Panel and A/P panel. I will be adding these to my panel. thanks dynon.
Wow! Touch screen is THE BOMB! Not to mention all the other great features you'll mentioned. Fantastic!
The flight plan display is based on the ARINC-429 standard in combination with the Aviation serial data output. It isn't propritary to Garmin devices.

We looked at the KLN-90B ARINC label outputs, and it looks like it should work. But we haven't tested it ourselves, so we can't promise it. If it doesn't, let us know and we can take a look at your datalogs.
IFR Certified GPS Choices..

The flight plan display is based on the ARINC-429 standard in combination with the Aviation serial data output. It isn't propritary to Garmin devices.

We looked at the KLN-90B ARINC label outputs, and it looks like it should work. But we haven't tested it ourselves, so we can't promise it. If it doesn't, let us know and we can take a look at your datalogs.

Yup. It sure would be nice to have several IFR certified GPS's to choose from (not just Garmin), and to be able to display them all on the Dynon screens..
Changes to Pitot??

What about your heated pitot? Any changes in the works for that? I've read some posts where people questioned the design due to potential problems with internal icing and/or inadequate heating capabilites. I sure would love to finally decide on a pitot, and since that pretty much means deciding on panel system, I've been stalled...:(
Great stuff and we'll done Dynon.
However as usual I presume us Dynon users in Australia miss out on the new charting features. Starting to feel like the poor cousins down here :(

I'm excited to get this installed. I'm also wondering if this update addresses the multiple files issue when downloading user data files from Skyview? When I upload my Skyview user data files to Savvy Analysis, there are always a few empty files with no data, and some flights also get divided into two separate files.

Thanks everybody at Dynon--you guys are great.
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We have put a fix in for the log files that get split. It's been a hard problem to replicate so we're hesitant to say it is fixed for sure, but it has been successful in several of our test aircraft which were exhibiting the issue before the fix.
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Really impressive stuff guys!! This is a great example of the Experimental world getting all the cool stuff way before the certified world.

I really like the dedicated autopilot and BARO/HDG/ALT bug panels. That is my one complaint with glass panels, is having to switch the function of the knob. These panels will be awesome, and will make finding and adjusting these bugs muscle memory.

By the time I get ready for my panel, I imagine these glass panels will come an incredibly long way!
I really like the dedicated autopilot and BARO/HDG/ALT bug panels. That is my one complaint with glass panels, is having to switch the function of the knob. These panels will be awesome, and will make finding and adjusting these bugs muscle memory.

These are my thoughts exactly. Flying IFR, especially with only one screen, can get tedious with button pushing and knob twisting and function changing. These 2 new panels are huge home runs IMHO. The touch screen so you can tap the VS bar to change the knob function to VS is fantastic.

On another note, does the Auto Pilot panel actually act as an auto trim for pitch and roll? If so, that's a huge feature. Roll auto trim would be nice and pitch auto trim would be fantastic!

Hi Ryan

''Will the same features work with my KLN-90b?''

I sure hope it does as I have the same set up...

Support: First chance I have to try it out, I'll let you guys know how it goes..

Any trade-in program from the 7'' to the 10''T in the works??;)

Nice update


[email protected]
Right now the AP controller will not automatically adjust your trim for you when the AP is engaged. Yet. But that's a pretty obvious enhancement we would like to make in the future, and the hardware in the system is capable.
AP and knob module

I ordered the AP and knob module from Aircraft Spruce today.

I have a perfect spot for them in the RV10 panel that I am building.

As I understand it the size and cutout is the same as the Com module.

Thank you Dynon for the new hardware and software.
Please add one more vote for auto-trim. A deciding feature for me.

Awesome new hardware and software!

A quick question: Is the touchscreen Capacitive, or Resistive?

Edit: missed it on first read, but found it on the website:
Dynon said:

SkyView Touch™ solves this by using touch to augment and complement the physical buttons and joystick knobs rather than replacing them outright. It’s the best of both worlds. Dynon's pilot-engineers designed SkyView to have a clean and intuitive interface so pilots can focus on the flying, not the technology. With SkyView Touch™, Dynon created an interface designed to complement - not replace - the physical controls on SkyView. SkyView Touch™ adds the convenience of touch when you want it but keeps a full set of buttons and joystick knobs for precise control in turbulence. Capacitive multi-touch technology allows natural actions such as two finger pinch-to-zoom on the map. Unlike most touch-based avionics and tablets, SkyView Touch preserves SkyView’s sunlight-readable and glare-rejecting screen.
Awesome! I look forward to playing with one at Arlington this year... :)
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The screen is a multi-touch projected capacitive touchscreen, just like an iPad or any modern phone. It is optically bonded to our 1,350 nit screen. Optical bonding prevents fogging when you change altitude and also significantly reduces glare and other optical effects. Finally, the system has a anti-glare optical layer on the top.

In the end, we believe the screen is optically as good as our non-touch screens. Come see for yourself at SnF! (or OSH, or Arlington, or at our offices if you want to swing by)
What's missing from Dynon

only a 8.33 vhf...

If only Dynon would introduce a 8.33 spacing VHF for us in Europe my whole panel would be perfectly integrated with only Dynon stuff. For now I have to get another VHF, but all the rest will be Dynon.

I'm still hoping for that VHF as I'm still buliding...
Pitot question.

What about your heated pitot? Any changes in the works for that? I've read some posts where people questioned the design due to potential problems with internal icing and/or inadequate heating capabilites. I sure would love to finally decide on a pitot, and since that pretty much means deciding on panel system, I've been stalled...:(

What about the heated pitot? Are the concerns I've read unfounded?
The only way to use the trim controller is by wiring up external buttons like the ones on your hat switch.

The NOSE UP/DOWN buttons are autopilot commands, that have nothing to do with trim. You use these when you are in VS or IAS mode. If you are climbing towards an altitude and want to climb faster, you press NOSE UP and it increases the VS target by 100 FPM.
Dynon folks,

I'd like to express my sincere gratitude for not only continuing to innovate but doing so in such a way that existing owners/users are not orphaned. It means a lot (A LOT) to have a relatively inexpensive, and more importantly, drop-in upgrade path for my existing display to the newer touch screen display.

Just awesome. THANK YOU!
Is the screen glass or plastic?

All LCD screens are made up of a variety of plastic and glass layers. But the top most top-most glass layer is hard, stiff, anti-glare glass that does not deform or flex when you touch it. I think that's what you're after.
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What about the heated pitot? Are the concerns I've read unfounded?

For those who aren't familiar - out of thousands of Dynon heated pitots in the fleet, there have been a few reports by pilots who have experienced a degradation in their airspeed indications with their heated pitots in operation. This has been a difficult issue to reproduce and drive to root cause. However, we take these reports VERY seriously. Dynon has an active effort underway to determine the root cause and any potential improvements to installation recommendations, best practices, or the product itself. That work is ongoing, and we do not yet have any conclusions or recommended actions. We expect to have more information soon.
Dynon folks,

I'd like to express my sincere gratitude for not only continuing to innovate but doing so in such a way that existing owners/users are not orphaned. It means a lot (A LOT) to have a relatively inexpensive, and more importantly, drop-in upgrade path for my existing display to the newer touch screen display.

Just awesome. THANK YOU!

Thanks for noticing.

At Dynon, we have a philosophy of not considering our current customers either a sunk cost or an email address to try and squeeze a continuing revenue stream from. It's why we don't charge for software updates, or Aviation databases in the USA, and why we decided to actually subsidize Seattle Avionics subscriptions. It's why we aren't charging an enormous amount to upgrade a unit to a touchscreen, and why we spent so many hours agonizing over how to make touch a drop-in replacement for current units.

When we designed SkyView the whole goal was to create a platform that could be customized and expanded without requiring huge investments of time or money by our customers. I think over the last 4 years we have proven that we can do that. We've added an autopilot, ADS-B, transponder, VP-X, COM radio, and more, all without requiring a single hardware upgrade to the main screen and network platform. The very first SkyView sold in 2009 is still as up-to-date as one sold today. Who knew that an EFIS sold in 2009 would still be the most advanced EFIS around in 2014, and that Dynon would still be selling and supporting the D10A more than 10 years after it was introduced? Dynon did, since we designed for it from the very beginning.

A lot of our thinking is dedicated to "how can we make this work for all of our customers" not just "new customers." We value everyone that has purchased a product from us in the past, and we want you to know that when you buy from us, you're part of the future of SkyView, not committing yourself to only what is available today. We'll keep doing our very best to make SkyView both the best EFIS available on the market, but also to prove that you can invest in Dynon with confidence because we always have you in mind as we continue to expand our products.

Thanks for being our customer!

--Ian Jordan
Chief Systems Architect
Dynon Avionics
The auto trim features seem great, but I assume it can be disabled for those of us who have manual trim?..
Ryan, using the integrated trim controller is completely optional. Nothing to even disable. If it isn't wired to anything, it can't do anything!
Thanks for noticing.

When we designed SkyView the whole goal was to create a platform that could be customized and expanded without requiring huge investments of time or money by our customers. I think over the last 4 years we have proven that we can do that. We've added an autopilot, ADS-B, transponder, VP-X, COM radio, and more, all without requiring a single hardware upgrade to the main screen and network platform.

A lot of our thinking is dedicated to "how can we make this work for all of our customers" not just "new customers." We value everyone that has purchased a product from us in the past, and we want you to know that when you buy from us, you're part of the future of SkyView, not committing yourself to only what is available today. We'll keep doing our very best to make SkyView both the best EFIS available on the market, but also to prove that you can invest in Dynon with confidence because we always have you in mind as we continue to expand our products.

Thanks for being our customer!

--Ian Jordan
Chief Systems Architect
Dynon Avionics

I've been to the offices in Woodinville, Arlington and NWAC to talk with Dynon. This is a great, expandable system. It is this engineering and business philosophy that Ian talks about that re-confirms my choice for Dynon.
Dynon folks,

I'd like to express my sincere gratitude for not only continuing to innovate but doing so in such a way that existing owners/users are not orphaned. It means a lot (A LOT) to have a relatively inexpensive, and more importantly, drop-in upgrade path for my existing display to the newer touch screen display.

Just awesome. THANK YOU!

I agree completely. To my knowledge, the only product they ever sold that they no longer sell was the EFIS D10, which they replaced with the D10A. They also talked about an AP-76 that they never produced. That's great support for a great product line. Unlike another (left unnamed) company that dropped their flagship product (and my favorite all-time single pilot workload reducer) do develop something that never hit the market. Dynon develops until the product works, then upgrades and expands in a way that customers can build on without constantly upgrading to keep from being orphaned.
as someone who just sold a skyview equipped plane (and loved the panel) right before the integrated charts were released, I am now having my RV7 built with the AFS panel I purchased

I have seen zero updates to the AFS platform since the merger/integration other than supporting Dynon gear, and no announcements now at SNF this year at least so far, i am anxiously watching but fearing the worst for my investment
as someone who just sold a skyview equipped plane (and loved the panel) right before the integrated charts were released, I am now having my RV7 built with the AFS panel I purchased

I have seen zero updates to the AFS platform since the merger/integration other than supporting Dynon gear, and no announcements now at SNF this year at least so far, i am anxiously watching but fearing the worst for my investment

Integrating the current and new Dynon components is a big deal and we are really excited about it! Not only do we support all the 3rd party equipment that we always have but now you get the option of using the cool Dynon components. We will have a new software release for Sun-n-Fun with new very high resolution mapping and an airspace selection tool that is amazing.

New AF-5000 airspace selection:

This location should look familiar from today's VAF News, compare our Synthetic Vision and map:

Unlike the other new EFIS, we decided to keep the extra buttons and joystick when we added a touch-screen last year. When I flew home over the Cascade mountains a week ago in my RV-10 it was so turbulent that it made the touch-screen virtually useless and I had to use the buttons and joystick. Buttons and joysticks are expensive, but we decided that functionality and ease-of-use in turbulence was more important than cutting costs.

Sneak peak at our new literature for Sun-n-Fun:

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems Inc.
excellent Rob, thank you for the update- I was trying to be fair in my post since I know there is still time for advancements in the AFS platform to come forth, thanks for this update, I am planning to KEEP my AFS gear and continue with the install, though this would be the right time for me to bail out and go Dynon or Garmin, your post certainly helped
Can it get any better?

AFS can continue to improve but we are so impressed with AFS's existing hardware/software, It is mind blowing the capabilities and their support...all the latest and greatest from AFS will only make us want more:)
At Dynon, we have a philosophy of not considering our current customers either a sunk cost or an email address to try and squeeze a continuing revenue stream from.

On the other hand, if the choice should ever come to less quality and no revenue stream, OR maintain quality and support via annual subscription, I'd far prefer the latter.
I got a little demo if the new Skyview touch screen at SNF today as they were finishing setup. Very very nice functionality. My main complaint with the Skyview in the past has been the number of button pushes to change knob functions and activate auto pilot features and those almost completely disappear with just the touch screen itself, let alone the new auto pilot module and know module. I went at it with the thought, "if this worked it would be great," and it worked exactly that way on all accounts. If you want to adjust a bug, just tap on that area if the screen and the knob changes to that function. Tap on the auto pilot area and the auto pilot menu comes up. Tap on the AP pitch area and the pitch sub menu comes up. Tap on the transponder and that menu comes up. Tap on the map info portion of the screen and the info comes up, then tap on the identifier and a keyboard comes up for entry.

They've done it again! Another new product that appears to work as advertised and apparently shipping as promised. They have a new screen for my plane here at the show so I can fly home with it.

Full disclosure: I'm a Dynon dealer, but not affiliated at all. I'm also a big fan and have been since the D10A days.