Sky Polaris

I'm New Here
Hello RVators! I joined this great forum to tell you about a project that will stretch the limits of an RV-8, stretch the limits of human endurance, and break aviation records all the while performing scientific research for the environment and atmosphere.

My name is Don, but this message is not about me. It is about a fellow RV-8 builder in Madrid, Spain named Michel Gordillo. We have a project planned called Sky Polaris. Michel will pilot his RV around the world, OVER THE NORTH AND SOUTH POLES with several noble goals in mind.

Goal #1 ? Collect atmospheric pollution data over remote area such as the desert areas, oceans, the Arctic and Antarctic poles where no other small aircraft have flown.
Goal #2 ? Break the FAI (F?d?ration A?ronautique Internationale) C-1b record category for light aircraft flight distance.
Goal #3 ? Michel will make his THIRD trip around the world in an experimental aircraft. The prior trips were with a Kitfox Model IV in 1998, and then in an MCR-01 in 2001.


Make no mistake, we are well aware of the tremendous distances, altitude and temperature fluctuations, the high cost, and the risk to life and aircraft. Michel Gordillo is a life-long pilot, airplane builder, and airline pilot who is now a retired Iberia Airlines captain.

We have a very qualified pilot and navigator, but do we have a qualified RV? This is an RV forum and it is what you are most interested in. The answer is YES, the RV-8 will be ready. This aircraft was built from the very first rivet with endurance and stress as the primary consideration. It has wing tanks, belly tanks, rear seat tanks, it has been tested to 24,000?, -25C, and will carry over 190 US gallons of fuel for flight times of 24 hours or more.
The propeller is a two blade 74? constant speed Hartzell. The goal is to have a better efficiency for long range, compared to a two blade 72? prop or a three blade propeller.

The engine is a Superior XP IO360 engine with the thought being that fuel injection is better for icing conditions and lower fuel flow. Ignition is with a Lasar electronic ignition.

The canopy is glued instead of riveted due to thermal expansion problems. After much research it was decided that Loctite epoxy was the best choice.

But flying around the world does not mean a pilot can just jump in the airplane and head for the horizon. Most countries require permission to overfly their airspace. Being that he is a Spanish Citizen, Michel must also obtain permission from the Spanish Polar Committee to land and refuel in Antarctica. And On and On. Flying the aircraft is the easiest part of this project. Logistics, planning, permissions, and 1000 other details must be completed before Michel can fly that first kilometer towards the poles.

We invite you to follow along with this project at Community support is crucial to this flight so if you feel that it is a worthwhile project and will increase the RV aircraft?s visibility to the world, please contribute.

If you have suggestions or questions, we will be glad to respond.

Thank you!
Michel Gordillo ? Builder and Pilot
Don Pearsall ? Website and support.
My best wishes to Michel! I'll be watching with interest. When is the projected launch date?
Everyone can dream but then there are some that act on their dreams and make it reality. Godspeed to those that show what is possible.
That sounds like a very interesting trip and I wish you luck! I can't wait to follow along with the journey.

I can understand all the challenges with planning, overflights, etc...

But one thing I can't wrap my head around is flying an RV-8 for long periods of time in cold weather.

When I was in Phase 1 I flew a 3.0 hour flight in a February NY winter and my foot was frozen :eek:

Michel will make his THIRD trip around the world in an experimental aircraft. The prior trips were with a Kitfox Model IV in 1998, and then in an MCR-01 in 2001.



That's a nice run. I wish I had his experience and support. Good luck Sky Polaris!
What a blast, and I sit here dreaming about circumnavigating Australia one day and the obstacles involved:)

Thank you for the words of support guys! As far as a schedule goes, Michel will try to make it to Sun-n-Fun in April 2016. In 2001, he was able to fly to Oshkosh for AirVenture by way of Russia, Canada, and most of the western states!

Michel is flying! I'm enjoying following his progress on the website. I have great respect for anybody with this kind of motivation and endurance!

Due to some issues in the US he ended up in Windsor Ontario Canada. A local RV pilot saw his plane at our fbo and did a little checking once it was spotted on the tarmac. Apparently the fbo didnt even give him a ride to the hotel (made him walk!), and when we tried to reach the pilot through the fbo, they couldn't even track him down for us.

Sad, as we would have rolled out the red carpet, bought him a couple beers and got his plane in a hangar. I have to apologize if he is following this thread. Seems the FBO here really did a poor job on all fronts. Us canucks are a friendly bunch but didnt know your were dropping in. :(

Fly safe.
Long Range Tank

Does anybody have a photo of his RV 8 showing the external fuel tank?

If his ground crew alerted the local flying clubs ahead of his arrivals I suspect he might find considerable help waiting for him.
Much of his recent voyage has been a diversion for multiple reasons. He will have less destination /refueling options for the next few legs.
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