Sam Staton

Well Known Member
Just wanted to introduce myself. As of today, I have entered the ranks of the ACTUAL RV builders, instead of merely dreaming about it. I picked up my RV7 tail kit today. Still have some workshop issues to resolve, but I will be actually building soon. My name is Sam Staton, and I reside in Jacksonville, FL. I am a retired Navy Chief (bubblehead variety), and presently working as a telco engineer.:D
Nice to have you here Sam. Big Welcome! Resolve your little workshop issues and start pounding those rivets. Be ready for a lot of fun. This RV group is the friendliest bunch of folks you've ever met. Hoping to meet you in the sky some day.
Thanks for the kind words! I'm champing at the bit to get going! If you happen to get down this way, let me know and I'll buy you a cup of coffee!
Welcome to VAF, you can start deburring and edge prepping any of the parts right now, it is mostly hand work. Also you can cut all the stiffeners at once, being careful of the ones that you have to trim to a certain length to make fit and rounding the edges on those as well. I think my percentages on the emp kit are around: fitting/ edge deburring 60%, priming 15%, assembly/ hole drilling 10%, riveting 15% as far as how much time it takes me. so i'm saying you can get started on some of it now.
Welcome, Sam...


To the greatest RV site ever! We're not far from you up here in Louisville, Ga (2J3) and often visit Fernandina and Jekyll.

Wife's a retired Navy Supply officer as well....good to have you,

Welcome Sam

To the best RV forum site on the Web.

This site truly unites RV builders and fliers from all over the world.

I spent many weeks in Florida in the 1990's building hours for my commercial license. I flew past Jacksonville many times on my way to Fernandina Beach and St Simon's Island. Talked to Navy Jax many times on the radio. All the best building your 7.
Welcome aboard, Sam, and thank you for serving. A pleasure to meet you. Congrats on starting your plane.

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Welcome Chief! I'm building an RV-8 here in Jacksonville and should be flying by July (wishful thinking). Not sure about the -7 but if you have any questions or just want to see how some things are done don't hesitate to drop me a note and I'll give you directions (Fleming Island).

I'm still an active duty pilot but don't worry just cause you were a bubblehead I won't hold it against you! :)

Hey Chief, congrats on picking up your kit and welcome to the VAF forum. Now get to it, you are way behind! :D
If you happen to get down this way, let me know and I'll buy you a cup of coffee!

Shoulda' figured a Navy Chief won't be too far from the coffee pot.:D

:D For that special cup of coffee I am ready to drive down south. :D

A good buddy of mine from faraway and I will be passing your area on April 11th on our way to Key West. Then we will drive to S-n-F for the duration of the show. Get that pot ready, we will take our huge Russian mugs with us:D

Welcome to the party--you'll find a wealth of aviation know-how here! Also, thank you for your service to our country. Good luck with your build--fun times ahead! :D

Skyking 902001
Emp in progress
Welcome aboard Sam.

Sorry to hear of your incapacitation, but I hear tell you will recover in 4-6 years!

Thanks for the warm welcome!

Thanks very much to everyone who responded! The folks who took the time to thank me for my service have especially touched me. To all of you - you are very welcome, and although a challenge at times, it was a pleasure.
Welcome, Sam!

I see by your sign-off you're flying a Tri-Pacer. While learning to fly and while building I owned a '59 C172. (7 years of ownership and about 850 hours). Keep the Fly-paper and your currency up; it'll help keep you focused on the goal. Great airplane. I frequently tell people that the difference between the old Cessna and my -7A is like going from a worn-out mini-van with a quarter of a million miles on it to a brand new Mustang GT with the big engine and all the bells and whistles. When you get 'er finished, you'll wish you'd have finished it a lot sooner!
Thanks very much to everyone who responded! The folks who took the time to thank me for my service have especially touched me. To all of you - you are very welcome, and although a challenge at times, it was a pleasure.

Welcome aboard Sam....AHHH Jacksonville, was mustered out of the USN in August of 1960 over at Mayport. (RM2 on board the tender USS Everglades).

You will love that RV. Have built an RV-6, RV-7, RV-10 and working on a 9A. Only the 6 and 7 were mine. Even after all that, I still have the grin. Sometimes the project appears overwhelming, but just keep doing those little pieces and all of a sudden you have an airplane. If your up this way, stop by anytime. Twin lakes Airpark, S17, Graniteville, SC.

Ed Booth