Well Known Member
Finally getting started on my build journey.
I bought my tail kit many years ago. Just after it arrived I started a new job, moved many states, bought a house, got married had a child. Things always got in the way.
Recently Divorced (best thing that ever happened to me) and settled in to my new life. I have a young son that's been flying with me since age 3. I also have a wonderful Woman in my life now that is very supportive. Actually make that EXTREMELY supportive of my aviation endeavors.

In the next months I hope to have tools, work area, etc all in place.
I will definitely be a part time builder 15-18 hours per week. I added up TV time and various time wasted activities. If I discontinue such I'll have plenty of time and I'll have something to show for it.

The goal is pay as you go so I hope to have the big ticket items saved up for by the time they are due. At my projected build rate that should give me many years before I reach that point. This is my pre and post retirement airplane. I want it paid for before I retire.

I have decided my mission to mostly be me enjoying the airplane. Maybe a GIB on occasion and my future spouse riding out for Saturday breakfast. I have decided to continue with my orginal choice of an RV-8.

Always looking for pointers. It will be a slow build and part timer hours too.

Must haves list. These are not negotiable
1) Alodine and epoxy prime airframe ( I live on the east coast and will retire on the beach in FL eventually)
2) Trim...electric!!! #laziness
3) Fuel injection

Im 70/30 constant speed vs a fix pitch. VFR instrument panel but design modularity for ease of upgrade to IFR should I change my mind. My take on spending an additional 10k to infinity $$$ on IFR is that I'll be saving money and NOT flying. Rather have a VFR machine and $10k gas money instead.

I want to get the alodine and prime process down to an efficient level. I understand it will slow the build but it's important to me. Just looking for tips on how to incorporate this process into my build effective and efficiently.

I've been a long time lurker on here. Many thanks to all of you past and future.
Created a user name and paid my dues. I also reserved my N number.
Small steps but it's progress.

I'm predicting a conservative 2024 completion date. Wish me luck.
Enjoy the ride!

My timeline of building my RV-4 was a mirror image of your journey, down to the 3 yr. old son. I built him an RV-4 pedal plane for his 3rd birthday to match my completed tail of the real -4. I too was lucky enough to find a supportive spouse/GIB whom had never flown until I took her in my beat up 46 T Craft..she was hooked. A couple years later, she watched the newly completed -4 make its first flight, and waited patiently for the 40 hr. phase 1 to be over. At 40.1 hrs, she was first passenger...at 100 hrs., we got married in flight, in the -4 at 5280 ft. above our airport with a 5 ship formation. Keep up the work building, and let this wonderful forum of great people keep you going through the process !

Welcome and congratulations. It's a journey that will change your life. You'll make lifelong friends.
I didn't alodine during the build but I am doing the exterior now. I wish I had done it.
I have learned a few things. Feel free to read them on the "Finishing" kit page of my blog.

In the next months I hope to have tools, work area, etc all in place.
I will definitely be a part time builder 15-18 hours per week?


This is my pre and post retirement airplane.


Always looking for pointers. It will be a slow build and part timer hours too.

Must haves list. These are not negotiable
1) Alodine and epoxy prime airframe ( I live on the east coast and will retire on the beach in FL eventually)


I'm predicting a conservative 2024 completion date. Wish me luck.

Welcome! Make it 2027 with all that alodine work and spread your finances accordingly. Buy NEW motor. :)
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My timeline of building my RV-4 was a mirror image of your journey, down to the 3 yr. old son. I built him an RV-4 pedal plane for his 3rd birthday to match my completed tail of the real -4. I too was lucky enough to find a supportive spouse/GIB whom had never flown until I took her in my beat up 46 T Craft..she was hooked. A couple years later, she watched the newly completed -4 make its first flight, and waited patiently for the 40 hr. phase 1 to be over. At 40.1 hrs, she was first passenger...at 100 hrs., we got married in flight, in the -4 at 5280 ft. above our airport with a 5 ship formation. Keep up the work building, and let this wonderful forum of great people keep you going through the process !

That's amazing! Small world how we can be so similar.

Thanks to all for the welcomes!!! I'm currently getting it in gear with all my side projects. Knocking out all the distractions. Looking forward to putting the blinders on and shooting rivets.

Hello David! Plenty of builders here in the HWY area.....I am building an -8 also. Email or PM me if you need anything or want to come by!:)
First; Welcome
I built my first plane the same way, slow, on the cheap.
Loved the process, and didn't miss TV.

There is a VERY big RV presence at EZF known as the RAF (Rappahanock Area Flyers).
RV-4s,6s, 7, Lots of 8s, 10. Total: estimated to be 24?
Dogwood included.

If you want a motivation ride in a -4 PM me.

Dues +