
Hello Everyone!

Id like to introduce myself - Huzi from Dubai/Texas... Ive been living in Dubai for about 10 years now, but am a Texan through and through...

I am currently working on my PPL in Dubai and am interested in building a RV10 - it would be based out of Houston eventually, but I am considering starting it in Dubai while I am out here a few more years...

My questions (I apologize if some of them are repeat offenders)

1) I am a CPA by profession, but have built an Ultima (car) so have some basic building experience. How far behind am I really when it comes to building the RV? (my metal work skills are limited to pop riveting ally panels to the frame)

2) Before the Ultima, I took the FactoryFive build school class to learn up on car building. Is there something similar offered for RVs? I have seen a couple which are just a day long metal working class, but is there anything offered for 3-5 days that would help build up all the skills needed?

3) I am planning to ship the empennage kit to Dubai and build that out here. I will then send it back to Houston and build the rest there (I do plan to move back to TX next summer)... how many hours would the empennage kit (RV10) take to build?

4) I would need to arrange/ship all the tools needed for this project as it is very difficult/expensive to find the correct tools in Dubai... What tools besides the ones mentioned on Van's website do you recommend I get (assuming money is not an issue) - I have seen some build videos which show bench dimple presses, automatic deburring tools, etc - which I assume are not the part of the standard tool kit... if you could have any tool for the build, what you want to get?

Thank you for the time, and I hope to join this group very soon...


PS: If there are any RV owners in Dubai, please do let me know
Welcome to VAF!

Please have a look in the Tools section in VAF. There's a wealth of good advice there. Also, look in the RV-10 section for tool advice that's specific to that airplane.

I'm not trying to blow you off, but instead to point you to good guidance. I'm building the smallest RV, an RV-3B, and while much of my own recommendations might be helpful, some might not be for your airplane.

Tools and Kit

By next summer do you mean summer of 2018? If so, I'd wait until your back in TX. By the time you acquire tools, the kit, put a few assemblies together, then ship those, the tools and the unfinished parts of the kit back, your going to gain maybe 2-3 months of build time and loose a LOT of money in shipping.

If your talking Summer 2019 that might be a different story. However the shipping will be insane. I'd bet that you might actually save money by doing the Synergy air program where you'd knock out most of the empenage in a week, versus paying all that shipping.
Thanks for the replies...

I actually asked about tools because I could not see any thread in the tools section on the forum... I only see 6 threads (total) and none have information/list of recommended tooling... maybe if you could just point me to the correct thread I would really appreciate it...

I will be moving in Summer 2019 so about a year at least... I was thinking if I get the empennage in to Dubai by August, I would have a good 9 months to work on it and get it done before having to ship it (with all my furniture, etc) back to TX...

I do not know much about the Synergy class - do you complete a 100% of the empennage and tail cone (including the extra days for tail cone)? So basically if I take that class, I can order the Wings at the same time and get started on the wings within a couple weeks of delivery? That might work as well...

You can read a little about the Ultima I am building on my build page:

Thanks everyone!
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Thanks for the replies...

I actually asked about tools because I could not see any thread in the tools section on the forum... I only see 6 threads (total) and none have information/list of recommended tooling... maybe if you could just point me to the correct thread I would really appreciate it...


Thanks everyone!

Go to the Tools forum and find the Diplay Options section below the list of threads. Find the pull-down menu that says “Last Month”, and select “Beginning”. Then go to the right and press “Show Threads”. As of a few minutes ago there were 888 topics that will keep you busy for a while.