
Well, I've had the bug for a while. I've been to the factory. (Lived an hour north of it actually.) But every time I visit, the RV-9s are out doing something else, so I've not flown one yet. And now, I've bought the little airfoil assembly training kit to see if I can figure it all out.

Some history: I'm an army helicopter pilot, 24 years in service, working as a standardization instructor pilot in an OH-58D unit. 2700 hours of turbine helicopter time and 120 hours of ASEL time. As far as the FAA is concerned, I hold a helicopter CFII, and commercial instrument ASEL.

My wife loves flying VFR on top (for some reason), and I do all my own equipment and vehicle repair. I've done a good bit of manual machining, but have zero experience with sheet metal.

If anyone in eastern NC is building (or has built) an RV-9a, or frankly any other RV, and is interested in a hanger-on/spare rivet pulling/deburring hand, I would be very interested in coming out to see some of the process and learn more.

Thanks for the help!


Welcome Jason and thank you for your service.
If you can do all that, building an RV is no problem. Lots of brain power on VAF. Always ask.
There is an EAA chapter in Charthage (pick-n-pig on the field). I do not know if anyone there is building a 9. There is at least one RV-9 under construction at EAA chapter 1114 in Apex N.C.
Another -9A builder is relocating his flying plane from Texas to Sanford (KTTA) any time now and wants to to sell his still under construction -6A that is still in Tx.

There are about a half dozen or so RV's at Sanford, but no -9s. Hope that helps...
get with Stroh21...

...on here, as he's also at Bragg/Pope and is considering a build/buy.
I'm in Lancaster, SC, where we have a -4, a -7, an 8, an 8a and a 12, but no 9.
If you guys get down this way let me know and I'll be glad to meet you out there and burn some fuel.
If you could make it over to Wilgrove (8A6) at Charlotte, I could use a hand riveting a couple bottom skins on a set of 9 wings. Come early to our May 9 cookout and we could rivet for a while then eat a burger. Or anytime.
8A7 Twin Lakes

Come see us at Twin Lakes, we have 7 RVs on the field...A -4,-6A,-8,-9,F1 Rocket, and -8A and -7 that are under construction. Any one of us would give you a ride. We are about 10 miles south of Winston-Salem. I live on the field, so give me a PM and we can exchange numbers. There have been several VAF members that have been here for the RV "nickel tour"
Dave, I didn't realize there was an RV build at Wilgrove. l'm four miles away working on the wings of an 8. I'll PM you to coordinate helping.

Jason, Did you look for a local EAA chapter? It's a good bet there are several RVs represented.
Bob, sent pm with my number. Sure, we can get together and shoot some rivets. I joined EAA 309 which has several RVers and a number of other homebuilders and restorers, a good mix of talent. I'm about two miles from the airport.