
Well Known Member
I have no idea how I'll manage this... the practice kit alone took me three weeks, as I have precious little time for building (two full-time jobs makes having any kind of life difficult). Regardless, now that my bills are caught up and a hefty tax refund hit my account yesterday, I've sent off my emp kit order.

$DEITY help me.:eek:
Glad to see you pulled the trigger :D I know it probably gets a little old hearing this all the time but "keep pounding those rivets" and one day you will be up there looking down on all the people that can't imaging the sense of joy, accomplishment and fulfilment you will be feeling. To say nothing about the permanent GRIN on your face.

Welcome to the club,

Steve Eberhart
RV-7A, just a couple of months from that RV GRIN
Just Do It!

That old Nike add line comes back to me time and again. It strips all the confusion and complexity from your mind and makes it simple again. I've been going on my -8 for over 5 years now, and haven't gotten past the fuel tanks yet! Still, I bet we all can think back to the start of huge projects in our lives (college, military, job, marriage, and even perhaps the second incarnation of many of these) and recall how daunting it all seemed at the start. Just how daunting does college seem now, looking back?

The process is basically one where many small parts are gradually combined into large part, so as long as your work area is home to fewer and fewer parts over time, you're going in the right direction.
Clay Cook
tanks, tanks alot.