
Well Known Member
So I have a rare opportunity to own a 1942 PT-26 WWII Trainer. Always wanted a PT-19 and having a 26 with a canopy, while less sexy, would be more useful in our PA winters. BUT...it would require me to sell my RV-8. Here is where I would post a photo of my RV-8 but for some reason the site is not giving me posting options. You have all seen it. It's the RV-8 painted like a 357 FG, 362nd SQ bird with G4-P on the side.

I love it. I love the amazing rate of climb. I love the amazing cross country speed. Heck, I love the way it loops and rolls. But I find I just don't GO anywhere needing the long legs or speed. Mostly I fly locally, half the time slow, the other half of the time in formation with other RVs or Yaks. But not nearly enough to keep it fun. I just don't have anywhere to go requiring 5 hours of range at 170 mph!

The old warbird would give me plenty of reasons to fly low and slow, canopy open!!, and even more reasons to hit many of the small warbird oriented shows in the region.

Sigh. I just do not know what to do. Especially since selling the RV would give me about 20K to bank AFTER buying the PT-26!!! But man..going back to 100 mph? LOL. I am truly at a loss.

Might sell

It's simple. I always think to myself that if I would miss the machine after I sell it then I can reverse my decision and go find and buy another one....I am about a 10 airplane offender and I like different experiences. All the aircraft had traits that I liked.

A saying that I like, some will not like it...... is "Never love anything that can't love you back". I say go for it. And I say to someone considering buying an 8 to go for it if you have the means.
PT-26, not to attractive, total lack of performance.
Van?s RV-8, very attractive, total performance, a much better airplane then the PT-26 for every mission I could think of including just flying local and it will still get you to the War Bird fly ins where you can look at and dream about real War Birds like P-51s etc. Just my opinion, I guess there?s a market for everything even a PT-26.
Are you single???

Remember what Pierre says-----------If Mama Aint Happy................

For what it's worth, I have flown several warbird types over the year, and some are exhilarating for sure, but best bang for the buck, you'll never beat your RV. Sure it might not be wind in your hair or nostalgic, but I'd bet it'll be the best all around airplane you'll ever own. I know I'll never get rid of mine, it's great!

Good luck!
Nooooooo keep it!! She is a beauty with great history. Sell more sniper rifles or your slow Porsche if you need extra roubles :D

Vlad the Sage

Vlad, you always cut right to the chase. LOL. But if it came down to quitting the track or quitting flying, I gotta say this. I have been flying since I was 15, and cannot imagine not being able to fly...but nothing, not even flying RVs, beats the track for pure exhilaration and adrenaline! Flying, at least flying the way the FAA wants us to fly, is totally lame by comparison. ;-)

As to the rest of the comments, yup. You all are right on all counts. And that is the dilemma. I have had fun low and slow or high and fast. The only real problem with the RV is the amount of CASH owning one ties up. You could own four antique/classics for the price of one RV. And YES, it does everything better than all of them. Probably combined. Hands down. But they too have their charms. I like old, slow aircraft. I like, and sometimes miss, the charms of the Luscombes, the stupid silly ease of a Cub, even the under-powered brute size and beauty of a polished C-170. Or...lol...the list goes on. And thats the thing. I cannot own two birds, not with so much tied up into the RV. So having $90K tied up in an RV is keeping me out of several other birds I want to experience. I need to sell more guns, like Vlad says, but sales are slow in the summer and I need some open cockpit time to decompress!

Anyone local to SE Pa want to take me up in a biplane so I can get over this fugue? Maybe I just need air in my hair again. ;-)
Tough choice. I love my RV-8 and would probably sell my Mooney before I'd sell the 8.

Scott, what model Porsche do you have? Given your comments about the adrenaline rush of the track maybe I'll have to take mine to one.
More is better

I have an RV8 and a Citabria on EDO 2000's...I say buy the 26 and keep the 8. If one plane can't do all you want you simply need more planes. If it were about saving money I would give up flying, hunting, fishing...you get it...
+1 For the Prevailing Opinion

I don't think parting with the RV would feel too good down the road. Yeah, you can always buy another one. But, I bet that the replacement just won't be what you currently have. Lets face it....You just aren't going to get the utilization from the Ryan. It will be a fun plane to fly, but how much will you (and can you) really fly it?
What about finding a like minded aviator or two, to do a partnership on the Ryan?
Find a CAF unit or a museum near you and figure out how to fly their warbirds. Museums may take a bit of finesse or contacts to get in their pilot ranks but CAF is easy. Sponsorship cost for the primary trainers & liaison is $1500. Advanced trainers like AT-6, BT-13 are $3500. Proficiency flying is a nominal maintenance charge per hour plus fuel. CAF picks up the tab for sanctioned event flights. There are a surprising number of units that get little activity and are short on pilots. The Houston Wing I belong to has a PT-19, N3N, BT-13, AT-6 and C-60. I'm planning to start with the AT-6.
Mike S: HA!!! Yup. See, this is why I posted. I really am torn about it. I would love to be partners in a PT-26 but this one is an outright buy. Which would land me 20k in the bank after its all done. Otherwise, I'd not even be tempted. And i cannot afford to just buy out the guys partner, who wants out. The RV4 would be a viable temptation. Although I gotta say, once you've owned an 8, I think it would be harder to give up all the SPACE. Still, the prices are tempting for a dual ownership future!

And YES. Two aircraft are always better than one. Expect for Hanger rent. I never cared for it. Always feels like I was being ripped off. LOL. Feels even worse after one buddy pointed out that what I am spending on hanger rent would pay for THREE PAINT JOBS on my RV after 10 years!!! With friends like that, who point out the obvious, well, the mind get all kinds of twisted! Remind me to send him COAL for Christmas! I mean seriously...10 years of hanger rental = $35,000. Thats a complete RV-3 or 2.6 RV-8 paint jobs! Almost had me tempted to park on the ramp for $35 a month! I won't. but wow. We really do get raked over the coals in Aviation.

Coljo: Porsche's. 2009 Cayman S. Best car Porsche makes for track use. Perfectly balanced, you can get them used for a good price, and they feel like a small superbike on the track. I raced a Yamaha R6 for years, and climbing into the Cayman reminds me a lot of that agility. Its not the most HP of whats available, but its priced reasonably, and driven right, its faster than some of the bigger HP cars out there. honestly, even if i could afford a GT3, I'd still want the Cayman. Its really that good. But do not even think about pre-2009. PM me privately for why not. Or for why, and how to make them so you won't blow it up.

JetJok, Good point. I actually started this wanting to find a partner. Seems tougher than I thought. Not sure about usage though. Of late its all been local flying so the PT would be fine. For whatever reason, all my formation buds don't seem to have the time and lacking that, the RV starts to feel like any other spam can. Point A to Point B, only faster. Blah. Wishing I lived away from the coast. More areas to PLAY without getting ones license revoked!

gyoung...you have just thrown a whole nuther wrench into my thought process! LOL. THANKS! Altough around here, I doubt they are short of volunteers. But I will definitely check it out. Been thinking about it on the periphery for a long time. Just not sure of opportunities in SE PA.

All great comments, thanks guys! I really do not want to sell this 8. Its literally one of the best I have ever seen. Maybe I just need to act the airport-ride-whore and start bugging folks for rides in open cockpits and sliders! LOL.

See now...you said the Magic Word: BT-13. This is what I actually WANT. Not sure I want to FEED it. But as much as the T-6 attracts, the BT seems like the more sane aircraft to own, if one was insane enough to own a medium sized radial. Now, if you happen to know of one locally that wants a partnership...or just someone to keep time on his pride and joy, I got plenty of TD time and, i hope, the native skills to learn to fly it, so you just send him my way! :D
Chevy LS



Imagine seeing this in your Cayman :eek::D:eek:

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Yeah, I am a Punisher, not a polisher, so that glass top would be lost on me. But it does look pretty awesome! Can't tell, is that a Chevy small block wedged in there...or something from a Vette? If the latter, HOLY **** DUDE! Go through brake pads much???
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If you think a heat cycle in the Cayman is expensive wait until you get an older plane that will require a ton of TLC and A&P expertise. In other words you'll need a pit crew for the PT-26. How about selling the 8 and getting a 4. Gives you a few extra bucks for the track, maybe even some extra $$ to fix up your almost bone stock black beauty plus gets you into something new on the plane side that will feel like your flying a Porsche. Or better yet, sell them both and get a GT4!
Primary Trainer

I'm pretty sure that nobody has ever gone to the nursing home saying, "I'm sure glad I didn't buy that beautiful old airplane!". I say if you want it, get it bought :D

If you change your mind down the road, sell the -26 and buy whatever you want.
Yep, Chevy LS series--------click the link in my prior post.

I have an old 914 with a 301 Chevy, mucho fun :D

Another Renegade Hybrids offender here...stock 310-bhp LS1 in my old 914. Great power-to-weight at only 2360 lb. Wheeee! But I sold it to help fund the RV project. :D:(

Mike S...LOL...you remind me of the guy who went by me on Summit Point Main last year. Tiny little 914 with a big fat driver in the saddle., Idles by me on the long straight doing about 130 mph. I did a classic warner brother double take, tried to push the peddle to the floor (it was already pinned) and had to bail at 136 mph when we hit the brake markers for turn 1! Was like..W.....T.....F...OVER? LOL.

Turns out his little 1700 pound cheese wedge had a 320 hp Cayman motor stuffed in the back. Pretty awesome. Can't imagine it with a Chevy!

Cap...on the GT4...sigh. Missed that list and couldn't swing it anyway. On the RV4, yeah, makes a lot of sense. The 8 is really perfect for me though, at this age. I just always wanted a big slow Military trainer. Its a bucket list thing. Just like a good Biplane. Useless half the year here in the east, but I WILL own one at some point. Might be a Hatz. Might be an N3N. All comes down to my circumstances at that time. Here, today, its just an issue of having an opportunity to buy a really clean, really straight PT-26 with a solid rebuild record. Sigh. What I really need is partners. Two would do. ;-)
Next problem

Please note three aircraft, including the RV8 and Citabria in single hangar...
[/URL][/IMG] More planes actually make your unit costs go down...
Scott, You already have a cool warbird, it's a 357th P-51. I bet folks come up to check out your aircraft where ever you fly it. The PT-26 will require a bigger hanger and will be more expensive to maintain and operate. The PT-26 will severely limit your range of action. You will be soon be missing all the fun flying opportunities you currently have with the other RV guys in your area. Just moving that aircraft in and out of your hanger by yourself will be a big chore. The CAF idea someone else posted sounds like a good alternative to owning. I would keep your RV-8.

Frank, I think you summed it up best of all. The size of the PTs, I like, but the hanger issue is definitely problematic. I cannot afford a bigger hanger and a PT would give me inches to spare.

Maintenance cost. I've been trying to find information on specifically that. Sadly the web is woefully short on PT ownership specifics and long on History.

As far as the LOCAL RV guys, lol...most have -12s now...and frankly, I just cannot fly that SLOW. Hmm..one point for the PT! :D

Ah well. Maybe I jsut need to rethink aircraft ownership altogether. There is the whole ADS-B BULL S*** being shoved down our throats. Wish GA pilots would just revolt on this one and refuse to equip. I live under a mode C vale but almost never fly near B or into C...yet I am going to be expected to fork over $4000 or so by, the time its all done and installed, just so some wanker who spends all day flying with his head inside his cockpit, oogling over his glass panel can "see" me. Maybe I just need out completely, or to buy an non-electric exempt aircraft. FAA has completely lost it on this one. They are killing the joy of SPORT aviation.
There is nothing special about an RV other than the fact that it does many things well. There are so many RV's out there that they have long ago lost their ramp appeal (except to other RV people), and are often referred to as ramp fleas. They are homebuilt spam cans.

If you dont need all the capability offered by your RV-8, I'd encourage you to dump it and get something that you want just for the cool factor. If that turns out to be a mistake, sell it and get something else.

When shopping for my Rocket, I was nearly swayed by a nice T-28 for sale at a good price. Despite the fact that I knew I would go bankrupt trying to keep 1425 HP fed, I was very tempted. Sometimes the heart wants what it wants. Life is short. Give in.
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Scott, if you dump the 8 you will wish you had not.

It may not attract the attention an old, rare flying machine, but sooner than later you will miss the 8's flying qualities.

I came near parting with mine over an eye medical issue but am mighty please I did not. Flying the 8 is better than just about anything at this point in life. It ranks right up there with breathing and having a cool beer at the end of the day. :)
...Flying the 8 is better than just about anything at this point in life...

Better not ever fly a Rocket then :)

I have an -8 in my hangar (which is right next to my house, BTW), fueled, insured, and completely ready to go at a moments notice.

It has not been flown in 7 weeks now.

It hasn't been flown because there is a Rocket sitting right next to it.

Despite the fact that I can fly from my front yard and the -8 really needs the exercise, every time I'm in it I keep thinking that I could be in the Rocket instead.

The -8 is a fine airplane - but there are plenty of fine airplanes out there.

My goal is to own ALL of them before I die.
I was agonizing one morning in my work cafeteria about getting a chocolate muffin or an apple turnover. My work buddy looked at me and said "why not get them both?"

My life has been so much less complicated since then!
I was agonizing one morning in my work cafeteria about getting a chocolate muffin or an apple turnover. My work buddy looked at me and said "why not get them both?"

My life has been so much less complicated since then!


RV4 and a Spec Miata. I might even let you pass me on the track one day in it.
A few things to consider from someone who has owned a bunch of U.S. and Commie warbird trainers:

Don't even consider a PT-26 unless someone has competently and recently rebuilt the wooden center section.

I walked into the Fairchild seminar at OSH a few years ago when I was hot for a PT-26 or an F-24. Once everyone was seated the moderator asked how many people in the audience owned a Fairchild. Hands went up. Then he asked how many owned another airplane so they would have something to fly when the Fairchild was broken. All the same hands went up.

A fellow local to me was always considered to be the Ranger engine guru. He had a hangar full of them, and a gorgeous cabin Fairchild. I expressed an interest in owning a Fairchild and he surprised me by saying something to the effect of "these engines are ****".

The PT-26 is a cool airplane but don't expect it to be anywhere near as reliable and trouble-free as an RV.

Hi Scott. It's a no brainer for me. Keep the 8, I love my 4 and wouldn't get rid of it for any other airplane out there, well maybe a Spitfire or Mustang, Lol!

You'll probably wish you had of kept it if you sell it.

Just my thoughts. Good Luck!
Intervention? A PT-26? I think your friends should have you strapped to a bed.
Going from an 8 to a PT 26? It reminds me of a cow scratching her neck reaching through a barbed wire fence to reach for a nice blue scotch thistle ball
when the sweet green grass is on her own side of the fence.

I used to lust for a T6 until I was lucky enough to fly in one. After a few back seat formation flights, I quickly realized they are just big, crude, hot and noisy. After some stick time, one realizes they are like driving a large overweight gravel truck on a soft road. Sure am glad somebody else owns them.

But go ahead and reach if it makes you happy!
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Flying qualities

I'd never sell my -8 to get a PT-anything...


the PT-26 has THE NICEST control harmony of any airplane I've ever flown. Simply delightful.

I'd say "scratch that itch" because let's face it, there are nice -8s aplenty and if you're miserable in the PT, switching back shouldn't be too difficult.
Interesting thread!

I can see both points of view on this actually as I have an RV-8 and a wee 5 hrs in a PT-19. The PT is a fun airplane to fly; nice handling, open cockpit (in a 19, not a 26), easiest landing taildragger I've ever flown. It's almost like it has an autoland system it's so easy... puttering around at 100 mph on a nice day in this thing makes me giggle, it's just a nice, fun flying airplane. But, would I trade down from an RV-8 to own one? Umm, nah.

Like others have said, upkeep can be a pain. The brake system is odd, needs 4-5 psi air pressure in the system for proper operation. Too much air, the brakes drag. Not enough air, not enough brake. The tailwheel shimmies and it seems almost impossible to get it right. The Ranger engine? Ya might get lucky and have a good one, or have one like I've seen around here; one ship with a badly cracked jug and another engine detonated followed by an off field landing.

I guess I'm kinda lucky in that I get to scratch the warbird and PT itch by flying with the CAF... Houston Wing, the same group Greg mentioned earlier. It's kinda neat that I get to fly some cool old airplanes (PT, plus T-6, C-60, B-17) and I don't have to own them. Bonus! If you could get in on something like the CAF, you could fly a PT and keep the RV. If not, and the PT is calling you, then what the heck, go for it!
Reverse Experience

I had a Stearman for a couple years that I wound up selling to by a nearly completed RV4. Having the Stearman was a totally different experience than the RV and I absolutely love both airplanes. I can't say I would trade the RV4 to get the Stearman back, but I miss the old bird very much and the experiences in it. I say if have dreamed of owning the PT then go for it. Maybe there is an option to get a partner in one or both of the airplanes to have the best of both worlds. Good Luck!

As previously mentioned the CAF is not a bad option, however, in checking their website, the closest unit to you is in Philly but they only have a SNJ-5 and the closest unit owning a PT-26 is in Indiana.


Good luck in your final decision. Since we've opened our bucket list we haven't looked back.

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I'm also at a stand still to sell my Bonanza and get a Cessna P210. I know some of you will say I'll regretting the decision. I want something with a/c for sure, pressurization and deicing equipment is a plus. But like any plane you can keep on adding items and price just keeps on climbing.

All in all figure out what 85% of your mission is. Then go find a plane that fits the bill. Make a list of what you want or would like in it and go out and find the airplane :D

I'm 23 and would love to fly something from a Beech Staggerwing, to military aircraft, to faster and sleek looking jets. I would love to fly them all. They are all like ladies. Each one is different and special, but one will only stick around with you forever. I'm married to my RV8, but flirt with all the other aircraft...Come to think of it my RV8 is like a nagging wife.. always complaining about "check fuel" or "check fuel pressure"...She just has some bad sensors. :p

I love my Vans RV8, thought of selling her a few times, but will hold onto her until the foreseeable future. She's good for all the short hops I do, while the Bonanza or the future P210 will be better for the long haul.