
Well Known Member
Ok, I've been flying my 14A for a few weeks and now that it's getting HOT here in the desert I'm contemplating finishing the last items of my build - the intersection fairings. To be honest I want them finished, but I would rather be flying. I was even thinking about hiring someone that does body work to do this job, am I crazy or just lazy.... I needed to put this in writing and get feedback just for my sanity.
If you are not comfortable with glass work - it takes time and patience, but very doable if you have those two assets - then hiring someone else to do it that?s more proficient than you, and you can afford it, I say hire the guy. Make sure you get a time frame guarantee so you aren?t grounded for too long.
I am a bit bored and looking for a project, too bad you are not local to me.

It is really not difficult and the reward is a good healthy added knots to your speed, not to mention looking nice. I love how mine turned out.
I am a bit bored and looking for a project, too bad you are not local to me.

It is really not difficult and the reward is a good healthy added knots to your speed, not to mention looking nice. I love how mine turned out.

Then you need to come over to my place and help me finish up mine!