
Well Known Member
Hi all,

About five years ago, I purchased a set of Fairings-etc upper intersection fairings for grove gear and my RV 8. I am finally fitting them up and came up with a couple of questions. The fairings fit pretty well around the gear and bottom of the fuselage. The fit on the forward sit of the fuselage is also good. They are cut away from the wing by about 1/8th. I couldn't tell if they intend that you put some of the rubber channel (like goes around the wing root fairings) around this or if I should be remolding them and laying up something to make it fit tight on the fuselage. How have others done this?

Second, I can get three good positions to screw them down on the bottom. Forward, it is right over the screws that hold the gear towers on. Will three screws on the bottom hole these on with sufficient strength?


Michael Wynn
RV 8 Finishing
San Ramon, CA
Not Grove gear, but I fit mine snug to the fuselage with no rubber edging. I only have two screws and that seems to be working well.

After looking at this for a good long time, I cut off the upper area and then starting the irritating process of laying up new fiberglass so it would fit properly. I guess the Fairings etc was a good place to start, but I am a little dissapointed at the fit. The right side was closer to the left, which is going to take some major re-working to get to my standards. Maybe if I could get my obessive/compulsive nature under control...


Michael Wynn
RV 8 Finishing
Livermore, CA