
Well Known Member

I may have missed it, but how are you getting internet at the hangar and at OSH? I would love to have my laptop up for email, etc while at OSH. Anyone else know about WiFi hotspots, etc?

Good question!

From a couple of days ago on the site...
Short answer is $2.20/day after taxes and all the other junk if you have an AT&T account (unlimited bandwidth).


On the technology front, I finally broke down and bought a 'Sierra Wireless Aircard 875' for $49 (with its associated LaptopConnect service ($59/mo)) specifically for OSH and other RV type events. I can, if it works as advertised, now update the VAF website from anywhere in the AT&T coverage cloud and access the web while out at 52F messing around with the -6. I suspect it will be used by many to do last minute TFR and WX checks in addition to email <g>. It's not XM weather but it is the same maps on the ground just before I launch (and email and forums and streaming music at the hangar and...) No more 'hey, you know where I can find a WiFi hotspot?', and an honest to goodness business expense to boot. If it works there should be pretty extensive daily photographic coverage of RV happenings at OSH, Van's Homecoming and LOE from here on out. One step closer to streaming video off the 'ol baseball cap <g>. Tried moving some test files up to the server from the park later in the day (kids feeding turtles) and at dinner at Chipotle (Great Success! as Borat would say). Encouraging.
Wow, this turned out to be a big issue today! Enjoy and have a swell Tuesday.
Lots of options for mobile internet. I have a pda phone (mine happens to be verizon), and have the unlimited internet service for $45/mo. I really like checking wx and tfr's when on the road without the laptop.

For an additional $15/mo, they will allow tethering the phone to a laptop. This provides high speed internet service. I turn the tethering on and off depending on need. I'll probably turn it on for Oshkosh. It will be interesting to see how the service is with a billion cell phones in a couple square miles...
Yup - I've got the same thing from Alltel, $60/month for unlimited usage, works anywhere there is cell phone coverage. I generally see 100 kilobit throughput, sometimes 3 or 4 times that, only once or twice less than that on analog roam. I use my laptop extensively on the road for business, I love driving down the interstate watching weather online, listening to Rush (since he doesn't broadcast on XM)...

Life is good...
Man, I'm so jealous. At osh I usually end up sitting in the parking lot of the Maytag coin-op laundry for Internet access. OTOH, I have cleaner-than-usual clothes for a week. (g)
AlexPeterson said:
It will be interesting to see how the service is with a billion cell phones in a couple square miles...

I didn't want to rain on Doug's parade (I hate it when I get a fun new toy and someone gives me a "yeah, but..."), but I did experience problems with the data service on my BlackBerry at OSH last year. I had data service all the way from our hotel in Appleton to just North of OSH. Once I got near the airport, though, data service was gone and I had only voice service. Many others with BlackBerries experienced the same problem there last year. I'm assuming it was a simple case of the network being overloaded.
Internet at OSH...

When I went in 2005, I used the internet connections at the EAA members tent on the main square. They provide CAT5 connections for your laptop, and there is no competition for bandwidth via cell phone towers.


Jerry K. Thorne
East Ridge, TN
RV-9A - - N2PZ
Hobbs = 234.7 hours.
I've been using a Verizon AirCard for "anywhere" internet access for almost two years while on the road for my airline job. It costs ~$50 per month (the card was free with a two-year contract) and it works, well, everywhere. At least everywhere I've been. In populated areas, speeds are usually 500-800 Kb/s. The only places it was ever slower than 150 Kb/s were in a valley in West Texas, and at Oshkosh last year (!). :)

Watch out, it's addictive. But in a good way. You can finally stop caring where the next WiFi hot spot is, and ignore the expensive $9.95-per-day hotel rates for internet access (just to check your e-mail, for crying out loud). As Doug pointed out, it does lead to behavior like this, however.
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If you have the data service from your cell provider and have a Windows Mobile based phone there are hacks you can do to essentially turn your phone into a USB modem and use it on your laptop at no additional cost. Basically, the ability comes disabled, and a registry change or two, and running the program already located on your phone will give you internet access.

My Verizon XV6700 worked great (switched providers, ended up with iPhone, won't start with the complaints.) I get speeds faster than some of my friends home DSL in many areas.

Google it, and it may save you an extra $15+ a month.

Also, if your aircard has an external antenna connector, I would suggest getting an external antenna. I paid $15 for mine off of eBay.
Wireless Data

Certainly don't want to bust anyone's bubble, least of all Dougs, but I think you will soon discover that from a wireless data point of view, you will only be getting 1xRTT speeds at Oshkosh (max of 144k d/l) from ANY of the national providers. EVDO coverage is what is needed to get the higher speeds. It is possible, but unlikely, that a provider would bring in a COW (Cell on Wheels) that provided EVDO coverge but I doubt it as they would have to bring in the T-1's to go with.

I work for one of those national providers and just also happen to work on the wireless data network... our company has two towers near KOSH, one on the field (right at homebuilt camping) and one just east by the lake... neither of them provides EVDO coverage.

Don't take it as gospel but I bet Doug will be writhing in pain on the ground if he tries to upload any of his gorgeous photo's with 1xRTT. Go to the members tent and jack in there!

(FWIW, last year I did get a data connection on the field, just not high speed.)
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Ditto on the EAA/AOPA members tent

For another option: How much time are you going to spend on the internet while at Oshkosh? I found that I never had to wait more than five minutes at the EAA tent for a computer. I think they give you 15 minutes at a time which was plenty to check email, unless you're bringing your work to Oshkosh. (It was vacation for me, so I had no interest in checking or responding to work email.)
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I have a regular Verizon account with v-cast ($15/month) Use my Krzr tethered with bluetooth to my Mac. See connections speeds in the 200-300KB range. In reality it works slightly slower than DSL. I had to tweak the phones firmware just a touch to fool the network into thinking the phone wasn't being used in the tethered mode. Instructions available online, it sure beats the heck out of $70/month data plans.
Just a note for Cingular/ATT Samsung Blackjack users. ONLY DO THIS IF YOU HAVE THE UNLIMITED DATA PLAN unless you want to get a bill for $400/month.

You can use the File Explorer and in the windows directory there is an application called "Internet Sharing". Run the application and tell it to use Bluetooth PAN and Media Net for the connection. Then hit 'Connect'. Then you can use Bluetooth on your laptop to search for your Blackjack and use it for the Internet Sharing. I know it works 'cause I'm using it right now. :)

I just did a speed test and I got 360K transfer. This is obviously in a 3G service area.