
Well Known Member
Hi all,

First- the back ground to my question at the end of this post:

Once in a while, my MGL V10 will seem to get locked into a loud squelch on receive that blocks out all voice reception. I haven't been able to isolate the conditions under which it happens, other than it will typically start during climb out (if it happens) and go away after throttle back to cruise. I have the squelch set about midway on the radio, and typically, the radio works very well 99% of the time.
Last Sunday, I was traversing the Toronto TCA as #2 of a two ship, monitoring #1s radio traffic to follow instructions. Guess what happened? Perfect time for the radio to go into its 'noise' mode....not good. and it had been operating properly for over an hour prior, and it returned to normal after about 2 minutes. (BTW...the controller was talking during this noise event, so it was a strong signal)

Enough is enough, so I pulled the floor panels to check my BNC connection to the antenna.. (vibration induced bad conection?).. and it 'seems' solid.

Started the airplane on the ground and wiggled the BNC at the radio, and the wiring harness while listening on channel. No noise.

OK, check the jack connections. AH-Ha...a VERY loose ground connection for the shield/ground that would definitely be vibration failure prone.

NOW the Question:

Would a loose ground/shield connection at my headphone jack cause this noise? The problem is so intermittent, it would be nice to know if I should still be looking for another problem