
Well Known Member
Any airline types take advantage of interline shipping agreements to get your kits? I just shipped my daughter a heavy electronic piano on FedEX and they gave me 75% off. Since Van's uses FedEX ground, I was wondering if there is a way to take advantage of the interline agreement. I just ordered a fuselage kit and it would be nice to get interline shipping rates.

To the non-airline types. Sorry, but yes, the reputation of an Airline pilot being a cheap SOB is well deserved and something we take great pride in like when we rummage through the garbage for a free USAToday. Van's could probably raise their rates 20% and offer a 10% airline discount and double or triple their airline customers!
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Who you callin' cheap?

You know, of course, that two airline pilots invented copper wire, they were fighting over a penny. ;)

As a user of the FedEx discount, I don't think it will work in this case. I'm pretty sure you have to be the "shipper." Of course, you could non-rev to Oregon, ship the parts to yourself and save a few bucks. :D

John Clark
Captain, American Eagle, Retired
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"
I was wondering about the "shipper" part, and you may be right. On the other hand, the shipments are essentially COD and are paid for upon receipt, which may work.