
Well Known Member
I've been thinking about the need to do some interior painting when I'm building the fuse. I'm ordering the carpet, side panels baggage area, etc.

What areas do I need to think about painting? Are you painting the interior and then adding the interior packages over the top? What type of paint are you using for the interior?


I primed the entire interior of the cockpit / baggage area. But when I painted the main color (white), I only painted the obvious areas that wouldn't be covered by Abby's interior kit. I printed out the interior photos from Van's website, since I didn't have my interior yet. By using these photos, it essentially showed me what areas won't be covered up by the interior kit (top rails under canopy, rollbar, seat back support, etc).

I used a Rustoleum Appliance Epoxy in rattle cans. The stuff has a very nice finish and it's as tough as nails! Basically the paint used for painting your own refrigerator, stove, etc. Bought it @ Home Depot.

I figured why shoot a final color everywhere, when a lot of it would be completely covered with the nice interior? (ie: weight savings :D )
Interior paint

We took our canopy rail to a local body shop, told them what color we wanted and the next time they painted a car that color to give us a call, rail was painted a metallic silver. Someone hit a deer with a silver car and we got our canopy rail painted with the left over paint, looks great.
I primed every surface in light grey rattle can primer and applied a clear matte overcoat from more rattle cans. Cover it all. It's faster and you won't have to worry about missing a spot not covered by the carpet.
I actually went to the trouble of test-fitting the upholstery kit, noting where the sheet metal would be exposed, removing the upholstery, taping up the entire interior except for the exposed surfaced, and then priming and painting with a good quality urethane with hardener.

I'll never do that again. Way hard.
Powder coat

All parts which came in the finish kit, as well as seat backs and the inside skin of the baggage area, which were exposed in the interior I had powder coated the same color (gray) as the things Van powder coated.

I then bought the same color in a "shake and shot" from the powder coat place and painted the rest of the interior. I did not paint the side rails, exposed baggage floor, the forward face of the roll bar, or floor where my feet rest under the rudder pedals. I plan to cover the floors but not use the interior kit.
I'm at this point too and I've been giving it a lot of thought. I have all the construction done except the canopy. I'm ready for the avionics.

I've gone the rattle can route and it wasn't very durable although I didn't try appliance paint. I admit that touch up is a breeze. However, I found a company in CA that can put any paint color in a spray can so that kind of negates that benefit.

I think I'm going to fly with just the cushions installed and the interior bare aluminum until I fly the 5 hours off. Then I plan to build my own custom interior using skins that Abby is sending to me. I just have to do something to make my -12 unique in some way.

Also, just my opinion, I don't think priming the entire interior is worth it. I doubt the actual corrosion protection it might provide and if most is covered by carpet and interior panels, I don't want to add the weight. I admit it's not much weight, but then I feel I need to keep it looking nice. Bare aluminum is much easier.

For the exposed areas, I will probably mask, prime, and paint them a color to match my interior. That will include the inside of the canopy, sills, roll over structure, main spar area, and seat backs. The rest will be covered. That's not much to paint so masking shouldn't be real tough. Am I missing any other exposed areas?

That's the plan so far subject to change.
< snip>
However, I found a company in CA that can put any paint color in a spray can so that kind of negates that benefit.

I'd like to know the name of the company which can put any color in a rattle can. Thanks.

Check your local name brand paint store. Many can do it or tell you the one that can.
Rattle cans

I'd like to know the name of the company which can put any color in a rattle can. Thanks.


Talk to your local automotive paint shop. They can usually do it but it's not cheap. In our neck of the woods, Imron runs about $25.00 a can, mixed to match. I shoot out of a gun but know someone that has used rattle cans many times.
Also, just my opinion, I don't think priming the entire interior is worth it. I doubt the actual corrosion protection it might provide and if most is covered by carpet and interior panels ...

I agree with Randy. I rattle-canned almost all of my interior, and then covered 90% of it up with Abby's super interior. At least two other RV builders in our chapter have said the same thing.
The areas that are conspicuous after interior installation are the the side rails, the cover panel in the lower center of the firewall, the tip-up roll bar, and the seat backs (for some kits). In my case, Abby's kit even provided a full carpet cover for the crossbar behind the seats.
As I was pondering primer on the inside, I was flying my 65 year old Ercoupe. Someone asked me if in 65 years if it had any corrosion yet, since it was built without interior primer. I decided on the spot to not primer the inside.
Also, just my opinion, I don't think priming the entire interior is worth it. I doubt the actual corrosion protection it might provide and if most is covered by carpet and interior panels, I don't want to add the weight. I admit it's not much weight, but then I feel I need to keep it looking nice. Bare aluminum is much easier.
That's the plan so far subject to change.