
I thought that tech and price would catch up to need but what a fantastic little device and price point to solve the ADSB need.

The Primary flight tablet is amazing as it is self powered and integrates with an tablet device.

i wish i knew this was available prior to my installing a panel mounted EFIS.
This BOM seems like a pretty interesting backup instrument. An iPad Pro in the center stack of an RV10 + BOM might have just made things a bit more economical. Something to think about!

I wish someone made an engine monitor that integrated seamlessly with Foreflight :)

I really like this stuff! Wish I had known of it when at SnF. I would've liked a little eyeballs/hands on time. Seems like a very elegant solution to a complex problem and the prices are very reasonable as well. Things like this will make a panel rework completely unnecessary! :)
A couple of new products out there now that absolutely validate my decision to procrastinate on equipping for 2020!
From Levil website:
Wireless Sniffer
  • Optional 1090MHz sniffer allows for wireless synchronization of Squawk
    code from Existing transponders.
  • Wired communication via RS-232 is also possible directly from a Transponder or from the provided LCD interface

Some thoughts:
1. if it's "optional," how much extra is it going to cost?
2. Though she mentioned it in the video, nothing is said on the website about the capability of sniffing out a 978 squawk code. Combine that with the alternative of syncing with a transponder via RS-232, and it looks like if you've already got a nice mode S, then $1500 for this will finish you off for 2020 compliance and looks to be a pretty painless install.

It doesn't look like a solution for someone with a legacy mode-c transponder. Who knows, though, that might change as the final production units are produced.

Honestly, the $1000-$1500 price point of all the new sun-n-fun ads-b product releases are what sealed the deal for me to go ahead and replace my old Collins unit with a Stratus ESG. They can be had for a LOT less than the retail price if you order direct from a distributor and with the rebate, I'm going to be all-in 2020 compliant with a brand new mode s transponder for under 2k.
From Levil website:
Wireless Sniffer
  • Optional 1090MHz sniffer allows for wireless synchronization of Squawk
    code from Existing transponders.
  • Wired communication via RS-232 is also possible directly from a Transponder or from the provided LCD interface

Some thoughts:
2. Though she mentioned it in the video, nothing is said on the website about the capability of sniffing out a 978 squawk code.

What is a 978 squawk code? UATs just repeat the transponder code in their data stream.

I don't think this thing meets the rules, since it uses an independent altitude source. It's supposed to use the same one as the transponder.
Maybe my understanding of things has been off all along. I was under the impression that mode C transponders broadcast on the 978 frequency, and mode S on 1090mhz. That understanding was largely derrived from seeing ads-b offerings which were divided into the 1090 ES and 978 UAT camps. Applying that thinking to the statement found on the Levil website led me to believe that this thing could catch your squawk code if broadcast on 1090, but not on 978. If I'm an idiot and know nothing about transponders, then please excuse the ignorance!
Transponders have always been on 1090... That's where the ES make these newer transponders different. And why 978 is only usable within the US as an ADS-B solution. It would be compatible with worldwide usage.

Maybe my understanding of things has been off all along. I was under the impression that mode C transponders broadcast on the 978 frequency, and mode S on 1090mhz. That understanding was largely derrived from seeing ads-b offerings which were divided into the 1090 ES and 978 UAT camps. Applying that thinking to the statement found on the Levil website led me to believe that this thing could catch your squawk code if broadcast on 1090, but not on 978. If I'm an idiot and know nothing about transponders, then please excuse the ignorance!
What is a 978 squawk code? UATs just repeat the transponder code in their data stream.

I don't think this thing meets the rules, since it uses an independent altitude source. It's supposed to use the same one as the transponder.

If it's "sniffing" a Mode C 1090 data output the altitude code is embedded in it.

The UAT just has to re-broadcast the same altitude.
If it's "sniffing" a Mode C 1090 data output the altitude code is embedded in it.

The UAT just has to re-broadcast the same altitude.

If that's so, then that's fine (although I still wonder what happens if no one is "pinging" your transponder). But I watched the video, and they showed the static hole that they said fed the on-board (that is, inside the pod) altitude encoder....
I have the navworx 600 EXP but if I didn't, I would be looking strongly at this. I like the simplicity of the install with the sniffing/wifi connectivity and the price is right. If for some reason the FAA AD, (whenever it comes out), mandates the EXP removal and Navworx can't or won't update/fix to comply with the AD, then this looks like a good plan B. From what I understood they said it would be 2020 compliant.
This is a really interesting approach to ADS-B out, and clearly a step in the right direction. However, if I had one of these units it appears I would still need a mechanism for ADS-B in. The ideal solution for me would somehow provide both in and out.
This is a really interesting approach to ADS-B out, and clearly a step in the right direction. However, if I had one of these units it appears I would still need a mechanism for ADS-B in. The ideal solution for me would somehow provide both in and out.

Watched video twice, but I believe if you get both products you end up with ADS B in and out.