
Well Known Member
I had the opportunity to stop by a local Flight School yesterday (N. Texas) on unrelated business and asked the very general question of, "How's business these days?". Turned into a 15 minute discussion and received some interesting info as a result.

Very busy! While I was waiting, overheard a phone conversation at the front desk between a scheduler and what must have been a student pilot. The scheduler was explaining that all the instructors were booked from early morning to late evening. She would pass on his message but was explaining that all the instructors were experiencing long days as it was but that they would do their best to get him/her worked in.

We got to discussing the types of students and it broke down like this; 55+ years old male whom she referred to as the "It's my turn now" crowd. Kids were finished with college and weddings had been paid for. We laughed at what seemed to be the common thread of their stories of putting the proverbial foot down and pursuing their dream.

The 2nd demographic was 18-21 year olds with more than 50% female. I found that very interesting and the lady told me it seemed in most cases, it was grandparents funding the lessons. She said they had some real "pistols' in this female group and they were some of the best students.

In between (25 - 55)? No one. We surmised that people are too busy raising kids and short on financial resources.

Just thought this was an interesting observation. I know the economy in N. Texas is pretty strong and that certainly helps. Don't know if this is the case across the country but at least in this area, at this school, it seems to be pretty healthy.
My home field (KHSD) always seems to have students flying their two planes. I don't know the break down but I know there are plenty of 25 - 55 in that group.
I run a flight school in Foley, AL (5R4). While most of our clientele is the Navy's Intro to Flight Screening (IFS) program, we have a good 40 or so active civilian studs. I would say our demo runs the gamut. We have grandpas and teenagers, and everything in between. The male/female ratio favors the males, but we have a good number of females showing us up.
I run a flight school in Foley, AL (5R4). While most of our clientele is the Navy's Intro to Flight Screening (IFS) program, we have a good 40 or so active civilian studs. I would say our demo runs the gamut. We have grandpas and teenagers, and everything in between. The male/female ratio favors the males, but we have a good number of females showing us up.

Brad, out of curiosity, how many hours does the Navy contract for? When I was in AFROTC it was called Fight Instruction Program (FIP) and it covered 33 hours. To make it relevant, do you have any RV students?