
Well Known Member
Interesting "RUMOR"!

I heard from a somewhat knowledgeable source that Vans will be opening a distribution/ manufacturing facility at a neat airport in Florida. This would be a good move on Van's part and the airport in question would be a perfect place.
I am withholding the name of the airport to see if someone else can produce it here in a reply to help confirm this rumor may be true. OK, if you?re well connected and know the airport, confirm our hopes. ;)

The New Zealand aviation market is pretty saturated with RV builders (there's at least four of us). I know Hamilton airport is trying to attract aviation businesses. Perhaps Vans should also consider opening a facility there? It would be a huge boost for NZ RV builders :)
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? Two production facilities? Like Cessna with Witchita and Independance? Except across the country? I could see more harm than good with that kind of thing.

My money is on central Florida, perhaps just north of Orlando :)

I hope it is true. I will have to wait less and perhaps pay less for shipping from Oregon.
Van's expanding options..

North Carolina would be more economical.
(cheaper labor, cheaper real estate)

In fact, I have a 2000' grass strip they can use, and we can barter out some real estate next to it..

Hmmmm, a nice -7(A), equipped with GLASS and a IO-360 sounds like a good bartering item for a couple acres to build on next to the strip.
I'll even provide fishing & hunting services for prospective buyers.. :)
Maybe he's counting on Castro kicking the bucket. Then he can build QB's in Cuba and ship them to Florida CHEAP.

Ya' never know.... :rolleyes:
To Expensive

aelkins said:
North Carolina would be more economical.
(cheaper labor, cheaper real estate)

Yeah but the Dental Plan for the employees in NC would be to expensive :p
I know they've been trying to attract people but deals have felt through. I'd love for it to happen, but I doubt they'd pick FL. You just have to drive so far just to get out of FL in most cases and then you're still so far away from the rest of the US. It would make more sense for them to center themselves.

I don't put much trust in this rumor, but it would be COOL


It?s not KIMM. I can see why they would choose Florida instead of Center East. Everyone will pass right by this place on the way to Sun and Fun. The aviation population down here sky rockets in the winter time.

Most importantly, it most likely reminds them of the area they are in now except it is flat and warm. Its rural, LAND IS RELATIVELY CHEAP, beautiful runways and they will be the only show in town. :cool:
No knowledge of which airport, but there is a business case for it....reduced shipping cost for QB components assembled in the Eastern Bloc.

DanH said:
No knowledge of which airport, but there is a business case for it....reduced shipping cost for QB components assembled in the Eastern Bloc.


That would mean that a city or town near a major port would be desirable. Since real estate is pricey down here in SE Florida, that would suggest a town near either Tampa or Jacksonville.
Charlie Kuss

Logistically North Central Florida is close to the port of Jacksonville, nearby rail service, and only a day drive to Alabama, North Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, North and South Carolina, and Miami, We also have three close by Interstates, 10, 75, & 95. Another big plus is we have the best flying in the US right here on the Nature Coast of Florida, which is Florida's last frontier. I have flown all over the US including Alaska and It doen't get any better than right here. I hope Van's does relocate then I will only have a few miles to go to pick-up a twelve to build. Probably wishful thinking.
Gerry Chancey
Ancient Oaks Airpark, Steinhatchee, Florida
RV-9 N92GC
Cub NC88583
As someone who works in manufacturing and logistics, I can't see any advantage for adding a second production facility.

Someone already pointed out that there would be some benefit to small operation near an east coast port to do quality control on QB kits before they are shipped to customers. That would eliminate the cost of (for instance) shipping a kit all the way to Oregon, then back to the east coast, where most of the population is located...

Beyond that, it doesn't make sense at face value unless Van is looking to move to a warmer climate or they are planning on something out of the box like a customer assistance center in a warm climate.
no way

1) There is no reason to open a 2nd production facility. None. Zero. Zip

2) Van -- a legend of frugality -- would sooner light fire to a big pile of money than open a 2nd plant, let alone one on the other side of the country.

3) Van would instantly double his unit way he'll do that.

Talking with Tom Green several years ago at one of Van's banquets, I offered to build & operate an eastern distribution warehouse for Vans to cut down on time for processing parts shipments to the eastern half of the US and Europe "until such time as they got big enough to bring everything into one large efficient location."

He politely dismissed it out of hand, saying there was no benefit to dual operations even at that less-efficient point in time. In any case, even if there was a compelling benefit, it would be almost impossible to convince Van to do it for a variety of solid reasons.

Since then, Van's business has doubled and they've added the RV10 and soon the RV12, along with several major new pieces of production equipment.

These are all reasons to consolidate production in one location, not split it across 3000 miles.

Being involved in manufacturing myself, I must agree with others in saying there is NO compelling logic for Van to open a second production facility now, or at any time in the foreseeable future.

The cost-benefit of a 2nd Vans facility is insanely negative.
I agree with Kyle. I don't understand the fit with what I perceive to be Van's business strategy - low price peformance with acceptable (but not industry leading) customer service and responsiveness.

However, if they are, I'd like to put in a plug for middle Georgia. We have a very strong and growing aviation cluster, great interstate access, close proximity to the port of Savannah, inexpensive land, and strong access to high tech labor. I know our local economic development people have been talking to at least one of the VLJ companies about locating some work here.

While I agree that north FL would also be a good location, I hope Jacksonville is not in the mix. Nothing against the people there. I'd just hate to see Jacksonville get anything aviation related (especially homebuilt aviation) after they passed that law against building aircraft in your garage!
Where and When?

So Flyrod, since it is a rumor, why not just share it with us? I guess we can all just start calling Van's and ask them. I hear they love calls like this. :eek:
bumblebee said:
1) There is no reason to open a 2nd production facility. None. Zero. Zip


The cost-benefit of a 2nd Vans facility is insanely negative.

Absolutely correct especially for a high cost [relative to everyday need items] highly elastic demand product.

If geography were to be considered then the middle of the US would be most logical for ease of shipping purposes. Someplace like Ky or Ark which have cheap land and low-cost dedicated labor force.

There is so much more to operating a business than location tho that I can't imagine the qualitative inputs would rule out Van's ever moving.

It is interesting speculation but my bet would be no changes.

just my opinion

Jax is generally a great aviation town.

Despite the ordinance, which hopefully will be thrown out, Jacksonville is actual an great aviation town. There are number of good FBO's and flight schools in the vicinity. KCRG is one of the busiest Class D airports in FL - with a lot of that being training activity. Cecil field, the former Navy base, has a nice 12,000 runway and is very GA friendly. Cecil field is also home to an excellent Aviation program run by the local community college. Despite the ordinance Jax is very much into trying to attract aviation related business. BTW, I'm currently living in Austin which has paltry GA facilities campared to Jax. There's no anti-building law here, just no decent GA airport!
How 'bout 20 minutes north in Fernandina Beach. Quiet little airport with three runways, shortest being 4999'. Plenty of acreage and the besides, my wife lives there now and I'll be up there in six years. Be nice to be near replacement parts and a good possiblity for work after I retire from my current job.
Well we are up to over 815 views on this topic and no one has mentioned the airport in question, so I am beginning to believe it must have been just a cruel rumor. Surely, out of the 815+ views, at least a couple would have been people in the know from the Van?s command center and would have spilled the beans. If nothing has surfaced by Friday, I will let you know which airport produced this apparently pure rumor. :confused:
Lakeland would seem to make the most sense to me, if this is true. Just think, they wouldn't have to travel cross-country to get to Sun N' Fun. And OSH would be closer too.

Its gotta be KVQQ. That place is wide open and totally vacant and the county GVT is hungry for a tennant... :eek: