It I read the article correctly, these guys took off with two dead batteries in violation to the recommendations from the manufacturer. Obviously the batteries did not have time to recharge in the short time after the engines were up and running.

Reminds me of a friend that said it is very difficult to make something idiot proof, as idiots are so ingenious.

Maybe they should have charged the batteries overnight and therefore have two fresh batteries for flight (I assume they have two batteries as my plane does). Or even better replace the batteries when they go completely dead.

RV 7A H-6
Almost finished Finishing
Lafayette La.
Ignore the POH and suffer the consequences on an airplane with complex systems. That being said, a better system could have been designed.

Diamond may be regretting the choice of Thielert diesel engines now in many of their aircraft. Their rep is not good and I just read of a flight school suing over unreliable engine performance a couple of days ago. While I applaud Diamond and Thielert for embracing new technology and Thielert for standing behind their engines and replacing bad ones without question, these apparently needed more long term testing before release to the market.

Where have we heard that one before?

The diesel dream in aviation is just that so far. A neat concept but as yet unproven.
L something

I hear they got these engines that are super reliable and run on "Magneto" thingies and don't need any electricity at all, to run the ignition, fuel pump or fuel injection, I forgot what that engine is called.....L something? :rolleyes:

Lesson, no one should jump a dead battery and go flying in any plane.

Diesel's in planes is not new; its been around for 70 years. The Germans had'em. Subaru as a new diesel boxer engine in euro only; if they sell it in the states, I would likely buy one.
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Plenty of blame to go around:
* Airframe should be designed to provide backup battery to ensure FADEC always has power
* Pilot should follow the POH
* Engine should not be that sensitive to small power blips or should fail safe