So I got a set of QB wings and fuselage just before Laser problems (So that's not an issue for me) but there is an interesting error that had me flumuxed for a while.

I don't know about the rest of you, but when things are going well they go well and buildling proceeds smoothly, even if the work days are short. But once I come up on a problem, I can get derailed, sometimes for months on end... This one stumped me for about 5 months and it should not have.

So on the QB wings I'm at the step where you start closing in the bottom of the wings. and I am doing this to make the stiffener part

Interestingly one of my neighbors who did a QB kit had his parts come punched already and didn't have to do this. So he was no help...

But here is the problem, When I went to nest, it just woulnd't nest or line up and it crushed up against the ribs and everything else. (Only on one wing). If I switched the parts I made the problem was still on that wing.

It wasn't until a neighbor came over yesterday who is also building a 14 (Show build though) that we discovered that the factory and used a much heavier piece of J Channel, and that is why it wouldn't nest.

Also noticed that they scribed right down the middle of the piece once I took the photo.

I can reverse the pieces and put in some scrap til fill the gap for the wing skin overlap and guess I am good to go now.