
Active Member
I've been thinking about different aspects of over-voltage protection and browsing electronics datasheets; came up with an interesting $2 a piece device:

It works as an in-line over-voltage and over-current protection switch with a sustained load of about 2 amps. Obviously it cannot be the main mean of over-voltage protection but can serve as a fast-acting protection for critical equipment, such as MDF or electronic ignition, anything with the load around 2amps. Planning on using it in the power line to my p-mag
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I built bob nuckles crow bar overvoltage protection device for about $5 in parts. That covers the whole electrical system. A much cleaner and broader approach. It fit on a 1.5" X 1.5" board.

looking at the schematics of the crow bar, it appears that the response time depends on how fast the fuse will burn, which is what? may be 0.2-0.3 sec or even more for circuit breaker? During this time the electronics is exposed. Don't know if a short exposure can damage anything.