
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I was hunting around the Kelly Aerospace web site this evening, looking for some oil filter information, and ran across this interesting technical document on the MA carbs that many of us have on our planes. Much of it was stuff I already knew, but I learned a few interesting things from it - just a short four-page pdf, but worth a look if you want to add a few new bits of new trivia to your knowledge base.
Thanks for the link. Always looking for good articles to add to my "library."
Some good info, thanks for the link. Unfortunately, all it did for me was to absolutely lock in the decision to go FI! :D
Yes - interesting info. For many of the reasons listed, I'd like to convert to either OEM FI or possibly an Ellison TB FI system.

What's the latest on the Ellison FI system? Don't hear much about these systems these days. This could be a good sign!

One thing about having a carb, though. After pressurizing the fuel system, it'll fire on the second or thrird blade and smoothly start idling every time - hot, cold, h#!! or high water.