
Well Known Member
Hi folks:

I am working on my RV7A empennage and planning the purchase and delivery of the next set of components.

I would like to do either a quickbuild fuse or set of wings (haven't decided yet). Is anyone on the east coast (Northern VA to ME) or Mid Atlantic ready to order their quickbuild components, and if so are you interested in sharing the transportation costs back from Oregon? I was thinking of flying out commercially, obtaining a trailer (renting or buying) and driving back from Oregon with my quickbuild components.

Please let me know if you might be interested.


While I am getting fairly close to ordering a fuse (within the next 6-months), I have decided to go with a QB fuse. I travel to the Pacific NW quite often on business, and also contemplated doing the same thing. In other words, get the company to pay my way up there for work, then drive a rig back to Dallas with the fuselage after my work is done. However, after crunching all the associated costs (U-Haul truck, fuel, time, etc.) I found there was no possible way to come close to the costs that Partain Transportation would charge. In my estimates from Oregon to Dallas, Partain could do all the work and delivery for MUCH cheaper than I could do it myself. I am not associated with Partain in any manner, but at least to Dallas, the numbers didn't lie. You might want to get a quote from them and compare this to your estimated expenses. Even with splitting the expenses with someone else out East, I bet it is really close. Just my .02-cents.
Take care,
Unfortunately Partain only goes to these states so far unless this list is outdated:
Our service for RV Quickbuild kits encompasses the following states: Oregon, Washington, California, Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, and South Carolina.

The closest looks like Kentucky, but still not NE.


I have a message in to Partain. I know that he delivered a quickbuild to PA, but I also recall his driver saying that they probably wouldn't go that far again.
Great point!

Ahhh, great points guys. I forgot that their service area doesn't include all states. However, the original post may still have merit. If numerous builders in the NE want QB's delivered, maybe Partain will make a "bulk run"?

Best of luck! This "RV-Thing" is such a great hobby/project/expense! :D

Take care,
re:ship to OKC

You're welcome to have your parts shipped to my plumbing & electric shop in OKC, VIA Partain, then make arrangements to pick up here, or have them shipped by motor freight on to you. If you wanted to pick them up yourself, I've got a 20' car hauler trailer you're welcome to borrow. :)

Marshall Alexander
RV10 builder
wings-tanks almost finished :p
OKC offer


Thank you very much for your incredibly generous offer! I will keep it in mind. I was hoping to get Partain to deliver a little closer to where I live in Southern Maine.

Marshall, you are one of the fringe benefits that we never even thought of when we decided to buy/build an RV.

It is amazing how folks reach out to each other in the "family"

Mike Starkey
I'd check with Partain before deciding

My state (Virginia) was not on the list of Partain's coverage, but when I emailed him, he said that he does indeed serve Virginia. I don't know about Maine...but it can't hurt to ask.

As I've said before, I was very happy with his service, and unhesitatingly recommend it.

To find out what Tony Partain can do for you, you'll need to call him at 541-330-0828. That worked better than email for me. The web page doesn't list Florida, but when I called, he confirmed that they do go to Florida. I'm now on the schedule to have him deliver my RV-8 QB kit, and the finishing kit in early Jan. What a sweet deal compared to the usual truck freight hassle :D

Word on Partain

I spoke to Tony Partain and he doesn't go to the Northeast. He also said that he pretty much only does full QB kits, not combinations of QB and slow build like I was considering.

However Tony did say that if I can find a delivery spot in the midwest or even back down at Tom Emery's in PA that he might consider putting just a QB fuse or wings on the truck for me.

So are any of you guys in Mid Atlantic through Mid West planning any QB ordres/deliveries anytime soon?
