
I'm New Here

I'm a private pilot with about 180 hours and am contemplating purchasing my first airplane this year. I'm interested in an RV-4 or -8, but haven't flown in either, and would like to fly in one and talk with the owner so I can decide if an RV is right for me. I'd be happy to pay my share of fuel and expenses.

I currently live in Raleigh, NC and work in western NC, so meeting anywhere in NC would work for me. If someone is able to help me out, please shoot me an email at [email protected] or call my cell at 828-413-0624.

send me a PM

I'm sure we can make this happen soon..sorry you just missed a good oppertunity this past Saturday! I can show you both models in and out..I work in GSO, but live on 8A7 airport. Come see us.