
Well Known Member
I have an intercom volume level issue. This is not new. It’s just that I would really like to find my problem. First, I have matched David Clark headsets, an SL40 transceiver, and 403 intercom. I think that I can eliminate the SL40 since the problem exists even with the avionics switch in the off position.

Both headsets have individual volume controls for left and right, but the left has much more volume than the right on both headsets. I must set the left ear to midway, and the right to full volume in order to get a reasonable balance between left and right, and that is on both headsets. That can’t be normal!

I am leaning towards the pots on the AV50,000, but I am not sure where to start. By the way, this is a conversion harness system, but I can’t imagine that it matters. Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated…….Tom
Thanks guys. Now I have a place to start. Really appreciate the help. I?ll be sure to post my progress and hopefully the fix. ....... Tom