
Well Known Member
This past weekend I noticed some crackle/static when transmitting, also heard by the people I was flying with. Noise went away when I switched off the intercom also confirmed by the other pilots. I have the PS 3000 intercom with the SL-30. I have not noticed this before and have made no system changes, it did seem that the noise occurred when I checked the plugs were seated in the sockets like a poor connection but did not occur with the intercom off.
Any suggestions on what to check would be welcomed.
Do you have that noise only while transmitting, or also during normal intercom function?
Check at first all ground at the intercom and your sl30. At best with a milliohmmeter. The resistance should be max 2.5mOhms.
Could be also a bad intercom.

These kind of failures are sometimes frustrating to find...

Also check that the mic and phone jacks are insulated from the panel as required by the installation manual..
Follow up

Flew today and system seemed fine, did check the mic connection was secure and tight which it was. Connections are isolated and system has worked fine for 3+ years. Still noticed some crackling when I pulled the mic connection so I cleaned the headset plug and system seems OK, could condensation cause this as the headset stays plugged in but my hangar is not insulated and I get condensation on cold metal in the winter.