
Looking for some help with the 403MC.

I'd quite like to get it set up to work with SkyDemon's audio alerts via my iPad with a 3.5mm line.

I'd like to learn how to do this rather than pay someone. I'm good with firewall forward but not so with electronics (I didn't build my RV).

What I'm looking for, that I can't see on VAF, is a list of parts that I'll need:
  • 3.5mm socket for the panel
  • Some kind of small amp
  • Cable (what type?)
  • and whatever else...
I've got the 403mc manual and understand what's needed in the back of the 25 pin connector - but not what parts.

You'll need some D-Sub pins to add the connection to the DB-25. Steinair sells them and the low cost tool to properly crimp them. The pins can also be soldered onto the wire but crimping is more common.

Also get one of the pin removal tools from Stein.

Get some shielded twisted pair wire for the connection to the jack and audio box. Ground one end of the shielding at the audio box.
If I understand you, what you?d like to do is hook up both (1) music out from the iPad and (2) warnings from the Dynon, into the single music input on the intercom. You need a ?mixer?.
1. Simplest, will probably work okay: connect the iPad output to a 330 ohm resistor. Connect the Dynon output to a 330 ohm resistor. Connect the other ends of the resistors together, along with a wire. Run that wire to the intercom?s music input. Make sure everything (iPad, Dynon, intercom) has a ground wire connecting everything together.
2. More deluxe (and best if you have more inputs to connect together, or want a way to control the volume(s): Buy or build a ?mixer circuit?. Goggle ?Op amp mixer circuit?. For $5 in parts it will do, well, what you want. You?ll need to solder some small pins, and buy a box to put it in.
Don't think you need anything except a 3.5mm lead, and a panel mount socket if you want. Connect tip of the 3.5mm socket to pin 18 of intercom, and collar to intercom pin 1 or airframe ground, then just get a 3.5mm to 3.5mm jack lead between the socket and your iPad.
Thank you all, your information explains it better.

@Bob, I'm not fussed about music but SkyDemon now has audio traffic alerts (as well as the existing audible airspace alerts) that I would like to benefit from.

I'll let you know how I get on.